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2012届高考一轮单元课时复习资料汇总人教版新课标必修三Unit 1 Festivals around the world(二)1.预习导学1)Entertainment:Fairy Of The Magpie Bridge 鹊桥仙 (宋 秦观)Among the beautiful clouds, 纤云弄巧Over the heavenly river, 飞星传恨Crosses the weaving maiden. 银汉迢迢暗度A night of rendezvous, 金风玉露一相逢Across the autumn sky. 便胜却人间无数Surpasses joy on earth. 柔情似水Moments of tender love and dream, 佳期如梦So sad to leave the magpie bridge. 忍顾鹊桥归路Eternal love between us two, 两情若是久长时Shall withstand the time apart. 又岂在朝朝暮暮2. What to learn about festivals around the world.-How festivals began-How people celebrate festivalsFunctionFestivals, of many types, serve to meet specific needs, as well as to provide entertainment. These times of celebration offer a sense of belonging for religious, social, or geographical groups. Modern festivals that focus on cultural or ethnic topics seek to inform members of their traditions. In past times, festivals were times when the elderly shared stories and transferred certain knowledge to the next generation. Historic feasts often provided a means for unity among families and for people to find mates. Select anniversaries have annual festivals to commemorate previous significant occurrences.*Whats the function of festivals?Festivals serve to meet_, as well as to provide_. These times of celebration offer a sense of _.Types of festivalsThere are numerous types of festivals in the world. Though many have religious origins, others involve seasonal change or have some cultural significance. Also certain institutions celebrate their own festival (often called fests) to mark some significant occasions in their history. These occasions could be the day these institutions were founded or any other event which they decide to commemorate periodically, usually annually.*How many types of festivals are there? _Seasonal festivalsSeasonal festivals are determined by the solar and the lunar calendars and by the cycle of the seasons. The changing of the season was celebrated because of its effect on food supply. Ancient Egyptians would celebrate the seasonal inundation caused by the Nile River, a form of irrigation, which provided fertile land for crops. In the Alps, in autumn the return of the cattle from the mountain pastures to the stables in the valley is celebrated as Almabtrieb. A recognized winter festival, the Chinese New Year, is set by the lunar calendar, and celebrated from the day of the second new moon after the winter sostice.*What are seasonal festivals? _FestsCertain institutions decide to annually commemorate certain special events significant to their history. These institutions are usually educational institutes such as colleges and senior secondary, secondary, or high schools. Such festivals are usually called fests. Examples of such a fest is Saarrang at IIT Madras, Chennails, Engineer at NIT, Surathkal, Moodindigo at IIT Bombay.*What are“ Fests”? _2. 实战演练:A. Reading:1) Fast reading: Read the passage quickly and find out the festivals mentioned here in the passage:There are Festivals of_, Festivals to Honor_, _Festivals and _Festivals.2)Read and find out the information accordingly to fill in the form : Kinds of FestivalsNames of FestivalsCountriesFestivals of the deadFestivals to Honor PeopleHarvest FestivalsSpring Festivals3) Answer the following questionsParagraph 1:*When did ancient people celebrate ?*What about festivals now?Paragraph 2: Festivals of the deadFestivalsWhereWhenWhat to doWhat to eatObonThe Day of the DeadHalloween*Are there any similar festivals in China? What to do? What to eat?Paragraph 3: Festivals to Honor PeopleFestivalsCountryPeople honoredThe Dragon Boat FestivalColumbus DayNational FestivalAny other festivals which are meant to honor people in China? Who is honored?Paragraph 4:Harvest Festivals1) Why are autumn festivals happy events?2) What do people do to celebrate it?Paragraph 5: Spring FestivalsFestivalsCountryWhat to doThe Lunar Chinese New YearCarnivalsThe Cherry Blossom FestivalParagraph 6: What are the purposes of festivals? _B. Using language:1).Festivals are meant _important times of years.A. celebrating B. to celebrate C. congratulating D. to congratulate2).In some parts of London, missing a bus means _ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. to be waiting3).Great changes _ in China in the last two decades.A. have taken place B. took place C. have been taken place D. are happening4).Severa
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