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新概念第 3 册完全笔记。Lesson1 A puma at large课文精讲 1 puma 美洲狮2 spot 看出,发现同义词: see,catch sight of , pick out , recognize3 hunt 追捕,追猎hunt for run after 追求seek / pursuade 追寻chase 追赶search 搜寻某处为找到某物4 corner 使走投无路5 trail n.一串,一系列 v.follow6 cling : hold tightly 粘cling to 粘在.上stick 粘住 stick to 坚持 sticky 粘的cling-clung-clung7 convince 使确信, 使明白convince sb ( of sth ) make sb feel certain ,cause sb to realizeconfirm : provide evidence for the truth or correctness of ( a report, an opinion,etc) ; establish the truth of 证实,证明(报告,意见)的正确性,确认8 somehow : by some means , in some way, for some reason unknow somewhat : a little9 at large : (1)(of a crimial , animal) free , not confirmed(2) in great detail , throughly(3)(用于名词后) as a whole, in gernal 10 on the spot (1)马上,立刻 (2)在场,在现场11 assemble 聚集,把某些人召集在一起hoard 大量的贮存amass 积聚 ( 主要用于诗和文学作品中 )12 take sth seriously 认真对待13 leave behind (1) cause (signs of ones actions,an event,etc) to remain(2) fail or forget to bring or take14 complain of 抱怨15 in the possession of / in possession of 为( 某人)所有/ (某人) 拥有( 某物)16 feel obliged to investigate 感到有必要调查feel obliged to / be obliged to 感到有必要( 做某事)oblige sb (with sth) /oblige sb (by doing sth)17 go on for several weeks 持续好几周18 in the quiet country 在宁静的乡村补充19 accumulate : gradually get or gather together an increasing number or quantity of sth ; get sth in this way20 extraordinary : beyond what is ordinaryextraordinarily : adv.21 blackberry 黑莓22 print 痕迹Lesson2 thirteen quals one 课文精讲1 equal 等于与.相匹敌be equal to 有能力.2 raise 筹款, 募捐提高饲养 供养 种植招募提出 发出3 torchlight 电筒光4 always现在进行时与频度副词 always,constantly,continally 等搭配表示说话人带有的感情色彩5 one or another 某种,这样或那样one reason or anotherone way or another6 get enough money 筹集足够的钱7 have something done 找某人来做某事have the church repairedhave the plane repairedhave hair cut某人所遭受的意外某情况(主语必须是发出动作的人)He had his wallet stolen.8 used to 过去常常 ., 现在已经不再做9 however 用于口语,主要用在句首. 用在作文中,最好用在句中句尾,要用逗号隔开neverthelessnonetheless10 start 惊跳,惊吓11 before .才12 armed with 配备上,武装上armed with the torch13 recognized sb as 认出某人是regard sb as / think of sb as 认为某人是 treat sb as 以.待某人 have on sb as 把某人尊为14 night after night 一夜又一夜day after day year after year week after week bus after bus 15 as well 在句 尾 = too 主要用于肯定句still 用在句首 用逗号隔开 , 报是转折表示转折 “虽然如此,但是”16 get used to ,be used to, get accustomed to, be accustomed to 习惯于get 表示渐进的过程 be 表示习惯了的状态补充17 in prep.(1 )与表示惊奇,恐惧,失望,生气等感情色彩的名词搭配,在句中做状语in surprisein angerin disappointin dismay(2)“以,用”in Englishin red in ink(3) 表示状态 、情况、处境in troublein tearsin good/bad orderin good repairin debtin good / bad healthin the bad moodin bedinpoverty / luxuryin a favor of excitment18 be grateful for / be thankful for 为.表示感谢19 take the trouble to do something 不辞劳苦地做某事I am grateful for the trouble you have taken for me.20 still 作连接副词= just the same ,even though , in spite of that 仍然yet 但是,然而Its raining , still I must go out.This picture is not too vabulable, still I like it.I have failed, yet I shall try again.lesson3 An unknown goddness 课文精讲1 stand = lie, situate(vt.), locate(vt.)A great tree stands on the mout.2 for 引导原因状语从句,表示对主句的附加说明和解释because 引导原因状语从句,重点突出原因3 at one time = once 曾经,一度4enjoyed a high level of civilization 享有高度文明5 with .6 beautifully decorated 过去分词做定语,表示被动意义They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls.房间很大,墙壁装饰华丽.7 beneath the narrow streets = under the narrow streets作介词时 beneath = under 在. . 正下方under 还有 在进行中 的意思under controlunder discussionunder repairbelow 在下方 强调斜下方8 be used as / be used to be 把. 用做为9 date from / date back to 开始于, 起源于10 happen to (v.) 碰巧还有两种表达:It happens / happened thatAs it happens / happened that 碰巧, 偶然happen on + n. / pron.偶然发现11 reconstruct : put together, restore12 amazed : very much surprised表示吃惊 的程度 surprised mental2 collar white collar ( do mental work ) blue collar ( do manual work)( get) hot under the collar 怒气冲天3 sacrifice 牺牲 : to give up for good purpose ones life for country timemake many s4 privilege : advantage 好处special right 特权sacrifice ones give sb the of doing sthprivileged 荣幸的5 dustman 清洁工6 overalls 工作服7 secrect 秘密keep secrect 保密保密还有 3 种说法(1)It is between you and me.(2) Ill keep it to myself.(3) confidential 机密的in secrect 私下里= secrectly,in private, privatelyin the secrect 知道内情8 status = social position 社会地位形近词 statue 雕像, 雕塑课文精讲1 people who do manual work =blue-collar workerpeople who work in offices, people who do mental work =white-collar worker2 far more money 多许多钱far =much 副词, 起加强语气的作用3 refer to . as = regard . as 把.看作 / 称作为I always refer to him as a bookworm.4 for the simple reason =for 引导原因状语从句for the reason that 比 because 正式, for the reason that 多用于正式语句, 而 because 多用在口语中5 human nature 人性6 such.that.that 引导同位语从句,进一步补充说明 such 的涵义Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. 7 be willing to = be ready to 心甘情愿做 .8 give rise to, lead to,cause=result in 引起,惹起The bad conditions h
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