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When we are faced with a challenge, we do not fear, no retreat, no more hesitate to move forward. We are on the horizon and Gods grace, we are free to continue on the path of progress, our spirit will always shine当我们面对挑战时,我们没有怯懦、没有退缩,更没有踟蹰不前。我们在上帝的关爱下眺望远方,我们在自由的道路上继续前进,我们的精神将永远闪耀着光芒Tell the world of the future . . When everything in the depth of winter, all things are poverty, but hope and virtue could survive . . The city and the country, unite under the common crisis, together facing front difficulty.告诉未来的世界当一切陷入寒冬,万物俱灭,只有希望和勇气可以长存这座城市和这个国家,在共同的危机下团结起来,共同面对前方的艰难。Today, we are facing a new era of responsibility - everyone needs to take seriously, to ourselves, our nation and the world, all have a responsibility. We will gladly accept this responsibility, the life is so full如今,我们面对的是一个全新的责任时代人人都需重视,对我们自己,我们的国家乃至整个世界,都有一份责任。我们会欣然接受这份责任,人生也正因此而充实Today we meet challenges hitherto unknown, all situations are completely strange. However, upon which our success depends values never change - honesty, diligence, courage, justice, tolerance, studious, loyalty and patriotism我们今日遇到挑战前所未有,所有的情况完全陌生。但是,我们赖以走向成功的价值观从未改变诚实、勤勉、勇敢、公正、宽容、好学、忠贞和爱国Know that your people will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy. Through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, people: you stand on the wrong side of history. If you can open a clenched fist, we will extend the hand of friendship你的人民评判你的依据是你建立了什么,而不是破坏了什么。对于那些依靠腐败和欺骗并压制异议而追求权利的人们:你们站在了人类历史的对立面。如果你们能张开紧握的拳头,我们也将伸出友谊之手Along with the world more closely together, our common humanity will reveal, the United States must assume the responsibility of ushering in a new era of peace随着世界越来越紧密地联系在一起,我们共同的人性将显露出来,美国必须承担引领新时代和平的重任We have absorbed each cultural essence, from every corner of the world to learn我们吸收了各种文化的精髓,从世界的每个角落学习For those advocating terror, the killing of innocent people, our spirit is stronger and cannot be broken. You cannot outlast us, and we will defeat you对于那些崇尚恐怖、滥杀无辜的人,我们的精神是强大而不可战胜的。你拖不垮我们,我们将会打败你我要对那些正在看着我们的国家和人民说,无论你身处繁华的都市还是像养育了我父亲那样的小村庄:对于那些追求和平与尊严的男人、女人和孩子,美国将永远是你们的朋友,我们将继续和你们一起前进I say to those who are watching our country and people say, no matter whether you are in the bustling city or the like to raise my father s Village: to those who seek peace and dignity of the men, women and children, the United States will always be your friend, we will continue with you together市场的力量将如野马一样脱缰一个仅有财富的国家不可能持续繁荣。Market forces such as the Mustang as runaway - one of only the wealth of the nation can not be sustained prosperity政府所扮演的角色应该帮助家庭获得体面的收入,购买他们的所需,有尊严地退休The role of government - whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, buy their needs, retire with dignity这些愤世嫉俗的人无法理解这个国家所发生的转变那些陈腐的政治已经缠绕了我们太久太长They detest the world and its ways people cannot understand this country to change - the stale political arguments that have consumed us for so long一次又一次,这些男男女女,他们奋斗和牺牲;他们将双手磨破为了给我们带来更好的生活。在他们眼中,美国超越了我们每个人雄心的总和,超越了个人、财富和派系的差别Time and again, these men and women, they struggle and sacrifice; they both hands rub through to bring the good life to us. In their eyes, the United States of America beyond the sum of our individual ambitions, beyond the person, wealth and factional differences伟大不是凭空而来的,而是赢得的。在我们的历程中,从来没有走捷径或是退而求其次Great is not stolen, but wins. In our history, has never been one of shortcuts or second今天,我们共同终结那些虚假的承诺、陈腐的教条、以及指责与怨言。这些已经困扰了我们的政治体系太长时间Today, our common end those false promises, stale doctrine, as well as blame and complaint. These have strangled our politics too long time今天,我们聚集在一起,因为我们选择了希望而不是恐惧;我们选择了为共同的目标团结在一起,而不是冲突与争执Today, we gather in together, because we have chosen hope over fear; we chose for the unity of purpose over conflict and discord,美国处在战争之中,面对一个有巨大影响力、充满暴力和仇恨的网络。我们的经济严重衰退。这来源于部分人的贪婪和不负责任,更由于作为一个整体,我们未能做出面对一个新时代的艰难决策The United States is at war, against a far-reaching network of violence and hatred. Our economy is badly weakened. On the part of mans greed and irresponsibility, because as a whole, we have not been able to make facing a new times difficult decision我今天站在这里,因面前的任务感到谦卑,因你们的信任而感激,同时缅怀我们的前人所做出的牺牲I stand here today humbled by the task before us, because you have humbled, grateful for the trust, mindful of the sacrifices offered by our predecessors六十年前,一位父亲走入餐厅甚至无人理睬,而今天他的儿子可以站在这里,在你们面前许下最庄严的誓言Sixty years ago, a father walks into the restaurant or even ignored, but today his son can stand in here, before you to take a most sacred oath人生因为承担责任而充实Life because of responsibility
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