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Unit9 单词Section A 内容详解1invent v.发明;创作例:Who invented the steam engine?谁发明了蒸汽机?Alexander Graham Bellinvented the telephone in 18761876年亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔发明了电话。拓展discover v.发现,发觉例:Columbus discovered America in 1492哥伦布于 1492年发现了美洲。Scientists are now trying to discover if this is possible.科学家们正在探索这是否可能。2invention n.发明例:His 6,000 inventions included the electric light bulb, the phonograph, and the mimeograph machine. 他有六千项发明,包括电灯泡,留声机(唱机)和油印机1When was it invented ?它是什么时候被发明的?【注意】(1)was invented“被发明”,被动语态。(2)invent 及物动词,“发明,创造”。【点拨】(1)invent 和 discover都是及物动词。invent 意为“发明,创造”,指事物从无到有;而 discover意为“发现”,指事物从“未知”到“已知”。(2)英语动词有两种语态即主动语态(the Active Voice)和被动语态(the Passive Voice)。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。例如:Many people speak English.(主动语态)English is spoken by many people.(被动语态)【应用】用 invent和 discover的正确形式填空。Edison invented the light.The secret was discovered by him.2Its used for scooping really cold ice cream.【注意】be used for.被用于【点拨】be used for sth/doing sth 被用于某物/做某事;be used as sth 被当作某物使用。例如:Knives are used for cutting things刀是用来切割物体的。The stick is used as a ruler.这根木棒被当作尺子使用。【应用】Clothes are used for keeping warm.衣服用于保暖。The box is used as a table.这箱子被当作桌子用。3It was invented by Chelsea Lanmon.它是 Chelsea Lanmon发明的。 【注意】be invented by sb 被谁发明【点拨】介词 by用于被动句中,意为“被,由、靠”,后接动作的执行者。例如 The tree was planted by us.那棵树是我们栽的。【应用】Rice is grown by fanners.大米是农民生产的。The window was broken by Li Lei.窗子是李雷打破的。4shoes with adjustable heels 可调整后跟的鞋。【注意】with 介词,此处意为“有,具有,带有”。介词短语 with adjustable heels作后置定语修饰 shoes。例如:a girl with big eyes大眼睛的女孩。【应用】China is a country with a population of over 12billion.中国是一个有 13亿多人口的国家。Hainan is an island with beautiful scenery.海南是一个具有美丽风景(scenery)的岛屿。5helpful inventions 有用的发明annoying inventions令人烦恼的发明【注意】helpful 形容词,“有帮助的,有用的”,-ful 是形容词后缀。例如:useful, careful, forgetful, thankful, etc.annoying 形容词,“讨厌的,烦恼的”,-ing 亦可作形容词后缀。例如:interesting, exciting, moving, etc.invent 动词, “发明,创造”;invention 名词“发明”;inventor 名词,“发明家,创造者”。【应用】用 invent的相关形式填空。Edison was a great American inventorHe invented over 1,000 inventions all his life.6Id like to have a radio because I could listen to music all day.我想拥有一台收音机,因为这样我可以整天听音乐。【注意】because I could listen to music all day 是原因状语成句。all day 整天,整日【点拨】because,since,as,for 都可表示原因,because 意为“因为”,引导原因状语从句,构成句子的主要部分,表示主从句之间有必然的因果关系,可回答 why问句。since,as 均为从属连词;而 for是并列连词,for 分句只位于句末,前面有逗号,该分句是对前一分句所述情况作推测性的说明,解释。day 的相关短语: all day 一整天;one day 将来或过去的某一天;some day 将来某一天;the other day 前两天。【应用】(1)用 because, since, as, for填空。Mary missed the train because she arrived late.It will rain, for the sky is dark. As/Since we live near the river, we can often go swimming in summer.(2)用 day的相关短语完成句子I will make a computer at home one day/some day.Mr lee has worked all day, so he is very tired.The other day/One day, I met one of my old friends in town.根据汉语提示完成句子1Hai Kou is a beautiful city with(具有)an interesting flower market.2The computer is one of the most useful inventions(发明).3The newly made machine is operated(操作)by a robot.4Be careful. the traffic is heavy(拥挤的).5Shoes with adjustable(可调整的)heels are. used for changing(改变)the style of a shoe.用所给词的适当形式填空6The used (use)plastic bags are still useful (use).7Emma is terribly ill, she needs an operation (operate) at once.8Jim was told (tell)to be on time for the meeting.9It is our duty to clean (clean)up the rubbish around.10Julie Thompson is the inventor (invent) of battery operated slippers.单项选择(C)11Mike is a person _ a good memory.Ain Bof Cwith D has(B)12This kind of metal is used _ planes.Aas make Bfor makingCby making D for made(D)13His idea will help _ the problem.Asolve Bto solve Csolving D both A and B(B)14We must start early, _ we have a long way to go.Abecause Bfor Csince D as(C)15English is used _ a foreign language in China.Afor Bby Cas D of(C)16Some people think the alarm clock is an _ invention.Aannoy Bannoyed Cannoying D interested(D)17Where can old inventions be seen?_AIn a shop. BIn a school.CIn a factory. D In a museum. (D)18He tried his best to do everything, to make his younger sister _ again.Alaughing Bto laugh Claughs D laugh(D)19Which invention do you think is more helpful ,the computer _ the car?Aand Bso Cbut D or(C)20 Have a nice day! _ANot at all. BYoure welcome.CYou, too. D Not bad. happen 意为“发生”,指偶然地或碰巧发生,强调意外。 “某人发生某事”常用happen to sb。take place 也是“发生”,指经过安排或计划要发生的事情,强调必然性。例如:Do you know what has happened to him? 你知道他发生了什么事吗?When will the wedding take place? 婚礼什么时候举行? oversleep 是个合成词,意为“睡过头,睡得过久。 ”over-是个前缀,表示“越过;超过;过分;在上面;外加”。例如:run 跑overrun 超越 careful仔细的 overcareful 过分仔细的land 陆地overland 通过陆路的 coat 外衣overcoat 大衣 by 此处意为“不迟于(某时);在之前”,相当于 not later than (a time);before。可用于一般将来时或过去完成时等时态。例如:You will be all right by supper time. 到晚饭时,你的病就会全好了。They hadnt found their lost son by 11 oclock last night.到昨晚 11点时,他们还没有找到丢失的儿子。by th
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