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关于工艺礼品旅游英语口语情景对话 以下是给大家的关于工艺礼品旅游英语口语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家 A:Good morning, Madam. What can I do for you? A:早上好,女十。您买点什么? B:Can you show me some traditional Chinese arts and crafts? B:您能给我介绍一下典型的中国工艺品吗? A:Maybe sandalwood fan is good. A:檀香扇也许不错。 B:Would you show me some? B:我能看看吗? A:Of course. A:当然可以。 B:They really smell fragrant. How much is a real sandalwood fan? B:闻起来真香,真正的檀香扇多少钱一把? A:The small ones are one hundred yuan for each. And the big ones are two hundred and thirty yuan. A:小的100元一把。大的要230元一把。 B:Ill take two small ones and a big one. B:我要两把小的,一把大的。 A:What else are you interested in? A:您还对什么感兴趣? B:Im afraid not. B:恐怕没了。 A:OK. Here you are. A:好的。给您。 A:Good morning,sir. Can I help you? A:上午好,先生。能帮您忙吗? B:Good morning. Im interested in antiques. Do you have any? B:上午好。我想看看古董。你这儿有吗? A:Yes, we have a great variety of Chinese antiques. A:有,这儿有很多中国古董。 B:What do you have? B:这儿都有什么? A:Well,we have some painting and some porcelain. Which do you like better? A:哦,这儿有画和瓷器。您更喜欢什么? B:Id like porcelain. B:我喜欢瓷器。 A:Good. How about the table set? A:好的。这套餐具怎么样? B:Oh,it looks well. I like it very much. B:哦,很漂亮。我非常喜欢。 A:Its made in Jingdezhen. A:这是景德镇产的。 B:How much is it? B:多少钱。 A:One thousand eight hundred yuan. A :1 800元。 B:Its not expensive. Ill take it. B:不贵。我买了。 A:Wele. Can I help you? A:欢迎光临。我可以帮忙吗? B:Do you have any postcards? B:你们有 _吗? A:Yes,here are what we have exclusively for our guests. A:有的,这是我们有一些专门用来送给客人的。 B:Can I have one each? B:我可以每样拿一张吗? A:Sure. Take as much as you want. They are free gifts from this shop. A:当然没问题,尽量拿。这些是送给客人的小礼物。 B:Is there anywhere I can buy some more cards with beautiful scenery? B:还有什么别的地方我可以买更多风景漂亮的 _? A:Please try the shop there. They might have them. A:请试试看那边的店,他们可能会有。 B:Are their cards free,too? B:他们的 _也吗? A:No. their cards are for sale. A:不,他们的是用来卖的。 模板,内容仅供参考
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