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关于成功话题的英语对话阅读 现如今风靡全国,对于专业的大学生来说,学好英语也是一种。大家都能学好第二门语言的话,一定会非常高兴。下面就由学习啦为大家带来几则英语对话,希望大家能有所收获。 A:Excuse me,may I ask you a question? B:sure,go ahead. A:What character do you think a victor should have? B:Well,in my opinion,the key factor to the suess is courage、confidence、persistence and so on.In other words,a victor should be courageous ,confident,and never give up A:Oh,I dont understand very much,could you please explain a little more? B:Hnn,OK,let me explain it in detail.First,courageous. a courageous person can be brave enough to have a try . they just pursue what they want and have nothing to warry about .This is the first step to suess. A:Oh,I see.Then what about confidence? B:Thats just as important as courageous.Only a confidence person can be courageous.A:Year,life is his own worst enemy.We should learn to be more confident,and challenge ourselves sometime. B:Now,maybe you also have understood the importance of persistence ,havent you? A:I think so.there is too much difficulties in the road of suess,we should conque them with our persistence.Just like Albert Einstein said:Genius is one percent inspiration and 99% perspiration ,only when we work hard and never give up,can we be sueed.do you think so? B:Exactly. A:Well,its very kind of you for _ing me these.Thank you very much . B:My pleasure. A:Whats your understanding of real suess? 以你的理解,真正的成功是什么? B: I think different things can mean suess. Firstly. the individual should be enthusiastic about his or her career. He or she should feel a sense of reword as well as receive others recognition from what he or she does. Secondly. suess can mean raising a lovely and happy family. Lastly.to find friends that share similar goals and interests is also considered suess. 我认为.成功意味着很多东西。首先要热爱自己的事业,在事业上能得到满足感,并且在行业里得到认可。其次.成功也可以指拥有一个美满幸福的家庭。最后,成功是有志同道合的朋友。 A:Do you think money equals to suess? 你觉得金钱意味着成功吗? B: I dont think its that relevant. I reckon if someone feels passionate about his or her career and is persistent with his or her career goals.then he or she can get a promotion or win a prize. Money would just follow. However, real joy doesnt necessarily need money, especially if one gets a sense of reward or pride from what he or she does. Money can help you buy tangible things.but it cannot really make you happy. 我觉得金钱不一定和成功有关。我认为,如果一个人热爱自己的事业,坚持不断地在事业上发展.那么他/她就很可能得到提拔或奖励.金钱会跟着来。但是真正的乐趣不一定在于获得金钱.而是那种事业上的满足感和自豪感。金钱能买到物质方面的东西,但无法让人真正快乐。 A:How do you suggest that teachers should do to reward their students? 你觉得老师应该怎样奖励学生? B: A feasible option is that teachers can give students that perform well in class with a special position, like the class event organizer. This way, this student can bee a role model whilst building his or her confidence as well as leadership and social skills. Another idea is to have students vote on other better performing students to be granted an Outstanding Student Award during an award granting ceremony. 一种可行的方法是,老师可以让做得好的孩子在班级担任一个特别的职位,比如班级活动负责人,让同学们能有一个学习的榜样,同时也能增强这个孩子的自信心、领导能力和社会交往能力。还有一个是让同学们投票选出表现好的学生,举办颁奖仪式,奖励这些优秀学生。 A:host(主持人) B:CEO of a pany(一家公司的总裁) C:a university student(一个大学生) D:psychologist(心理学家) A:Hello,everyone,wele to watch our program.Im .,today,you konw,we will talk something about suess.In our society,everyone want to be a suessful man,to earn others respect.However,how to make it is also a problem confused our.I think,after our program you will komw more.Now,wele our guest.The CEO of a pany,Mr. (大家好,欢迎收看我们的节目,我是.,今天,我们将讨论成功的一些事情.在我们现在这个社会,每个人都想成功,都想获得别人的尊重.但是,怎么去实现也是一个困扰我们的问题.我想,通过我们的节目,你会知道更多.现在,有情我们的嘉宾,某个公司的CEO,.) B:Hello! A:A student from ZHOUSHAN HAIYANG university,. (一位海洋学院的学生.) C:Hi! A:A psychologist,Lee. (一位心理专家) D:Thank you,host. A:First,I want to ask Mr.some question,do you think you are a suessful man? (首先我想请问.一些问题,你认为你是成功的人么) B:Sometime. (有时候) A:Detail please. (请说细节) B:In your heart,obviously,Im very suessful,I own a big pany,have a lot of money,can buy everything I want.Besides,you will believe money equal to suess.But to me,I think Im on the way to suess.My deram _s me I must go on.Thanks for my dream. (在你们心目中,很显然,我是非常成功的,我拥有一个大公司,有很多钱,能买到我先要的东西.但是,对于我来说,我始终在通往成功的路上,我的梦想告诉我,我必须继续.感谢我的梦想) D:A very gerat man,In my opinion a man have a dream is half the battle.So dream is a very important in suess.A dream can make you energetic. (一个伟大的人,我的观点是,一个人有了梦想等于成功了一半.所以说梦想在成功中是非常重要的.梦想使你充满能量) A:Thank you.Can you _ us your dream?Mr. .你能告诉我们你的梦想么) B:Of course,when I was ten years old,I read a article about Bill Gates.And from then on,I concentrate on contribute to our society.Luckily,I read that.So chance is also relate to suess. (当然,当我十岁的时候,我看了一篇文章关于比尔盖茨的,从那以后,我一直
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