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1,Roman invasions influence on English,第一组,2,Roman invasion influence,3,Roman Invasion,55BC407AD Caesar 恺撒 Claudius罗迪斯 Latin,4,In 55 BC, Caesar came to Britain, but did not conflict with the local Celtic.In the next year, his visited Britain again and conflicted with the celtics.Although Caesars army wins, the celtics did not give up.Finally,ancient Rome didnt make impact on society and culture of Britain. 公元前55年,恺撒在征服高卢(Gaul)之后来到不列颠岛,但并未同当地的凯尔特人发生冲突。第二年,他第二次亲临不列颠岛,在其东南部站稳了脚跟,并与凯尔特人发生冲突。虽然恺撒大军获胜,但并没有使凯尔特人屈服,古罗马也没有对不列颠岛的社会文化产生巨大的影响。,5,In the history, the real RomanConquest (Roman Conquest) is at the beginning of in 43 AD. Claudius took three years to conquer the British island in the central and southeast.As the military occupation, Roman culture and customs gradually penetrate into Britain.As the change of cultural trend, language change, Latin in British to spread rapidly, especially in the upper society, the official language, the legal terms, business terms are used such as Latin. 英国历史上的真正的罗马人的征服(Roman Conquest)是在公元43年开始的。当时的皇帝克罗迪斯(Claudius)用了3年的时间征服了不列颠岛的中部和东南部。随着军事的占领,罗马文化和风俗逐渐渗入不列颠。随着文化潮流的变化,语言也随之改变,拉丁语在不列颠到迅速传播,特别是在上层社会,官方语言,法律用语,商业用语等都使用拉丁语。,6,A.D. 407, due to the internal and external forces of the Roman empire, the Roman people had to leave Britain.But their culture and its influence left in the British .,到公元407年,罗马人因罗马帝国的内外交困,不得不撤离不列颠。但是他们的文化以及对不列颠的影响由于400年的统治而留在了不列颠岛上。,7,因为他们的语言是一个浪漫的语言属于拉丁文,这给了拉丁语对英语的间接影响。,Since their language (French) was a Romance language descended from Latin, this gave Latin an indirect influence on English.,8,influence on English,words idioms grammar,9,influence on English words,About 70% of our english words come from Latin. This alone make Latin the most important language to influence English. For example, the word, promise, comes from pro-mitto, meaning to send before. Here are some more examples: word = verbum; canine = canis; college =collegium. 大约70%的英语单词来自拉丁语。这就使拉丁最重要影响英语语言。例如,这个词,承诺,来自“pro-mitto”,意思发送之前。这里有一些更多的例子:词= verbum;狗=犬属;大学=执行管理委员会。,10,Ancient Greek and Roman mythology also has affected the English words.,11,influence on English words,Floar:古希腊罗马神话中的花神。 Floar 在现代英语中指代“植物” 衍生词floral(花的, 植物的), florist (种花人), flourish(繁荣, 茂盛),12,influence on English words,Muses(缪斯):希腊罗马神话中掌管艺术的诸神。共九位,分别是历史、抒情诗、喜剧、悲剧、歌舞、爱情诗、颂歌、天文、史诗。 Muses的艺术衍生出单词music(n.音乐), museum(n.博物馆), amuse(v.逗乐), amusement(n.乐趣) and so on.,13,influence on English idioms,Do in Rome as Romans do. 入乡随俗 Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的。 All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。 appeal to Caesar 向恺撒诉说(诉诸最高权力机关) Great Caesar! 天啊! Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars. 恺撒的东西应归恺撒/凡事各有所归.,14,influence on English grammar,Latin has influenced grammar. For example, the distinction between I and me is based on cases. I equals nominative case in Latin and me equals dative, ablative and accusative cases. Even little things like the improper use of split infinitives come from Latin, since in Latin infinitives cannot be split. For example, to love is amare (one word) in Latin. So, in short, Latin continues to play a huge role. 拉丁语影响语法。例如,“I”和“me”之间的区别是基于用例。我等于主格在拉丁语和我等于宾格的病例。甚至小事情像分裂不定式的不当使用来自拉丁语,因为在拉丁原形动词不能分裂。例如,to love是amare 在拉丁语。所以,简而言之,拉丁继续发挥巨大的作用。,15,The end.Thanks !,
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