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Unit 8 Sales Promotion,Promotion,1、Promotion(促销) (1)一词来自拉丁语,原意是“前进”。 (2)用在销售商品上,意思是:把企业的产品及服务,向客户进行宣传报道,以激发其购买行为,从而扩大产品的销售。 2、促销活动的主要任务在于:传递信息。,3、促销信(Sales Promotion Letters):企业在其促销活动中广泛使用的一种宣传方式。 特别是,当一种产品进入市场前后,企业为了使更多的客户了解该产品,向批发商、零售商或工业产品的最终用户寄送促销信或目录、样本,传送最新信息,帮助他们了解和认识本企业的产品或劳务能给他们带来的实际利益,引起客户的注意和兴趣,激发他们的购买欲望,促进他们采取购买行动。,(1)Dealerwholesalerretailerend-users (销售者批发商零售商最终消费者) (2)通用的促销手段: “AIDA” A: attention(注意) I: interest (兴趣) D: desire (需求) A: action (行动),(3)The Marketing Theory of 4PS(4PS营销理论): Product(产品) Place(销售渠道/分销渠道/地点) Price(定价/价格) Promotion(促销) 注: 企业不直接面对消费者,而是注重经销商的培育和销售网络的建设,企业与消费者的联系是通过分销商来进行的,outline,一、 Sales Letter (一)Solicited sales letter (征求销售函) (二) Unsolicited sales letter(销售邀约函) 二、Reviver Letter(振兴信):主要介绍本公司的进步 三、Follow-up Letter (随访信) :私人化。,一、 Sales Letter,In foreign trade communication, besides business letters concerning establishment of business relations and negotiations, etc., there is, however, another type of letter, which is known as a “Sales Letter”. Its purpose is to expand business, to persuade the reader (namely the buyer) to buy what the sellers are able to supply.,(一)Solicited sales letter(征求销售函),-an answer to an inquiry,(二) Unsolicited sales letter (销售邀约函),-to gather facts about your product or service -to identify several selling features that will fulfill specific customer needs; 对应例子:P124 A Sales Letter,The modern trend in sales letter writing is towards making the letters more personal. A good sales letter writer tries to represent the offer from the point of view of the buyer, not the seller.,A good sales letter consists of four essential elements, it must :,1.arouse interest(引起兴趣) 2.create desire(造成欲望) 3.carry conviction(具有说服力) 4.induce action(导致行动),To picture your product in two ways: (1)physical description (2)psychological description;,1. arouse interest(引起兴趣),2. create desire(造成欲望),To include various types of evidence to support description of the product, and establish a basis for reader confidence and belief until it becomes desire for your product;,3. carry conviction(具有说服力),4. induce action(导致行动),Induce action such as: -Buy while present prices are still in effect; -Buy while the present supply lasts; -Examine for twenty days on approval; -Enjoy a special discount; -Send your order on the enclosed easy-order blank.,Induce action such as:,-Buy while present prices are still in effect; -Buy while the present supply lasts; -Examine for twenty days on approval; -Enjoy a special discount; -Send your order on the enclosed easy-order blank,对应例子:P124 A Sales Letter,一般来说,促销信应具有以下两个特点: (1)提供信息,沟通产需。 促销信应以准确而简洁的语言向客户介绍产品的性能、用途与特点,通过信息交流,沟通企业与客户间的联系,达到促销的目的。 (2)激发欲望,促进需求。 促销信不但信息内容要充实,而且应使用明快的语言,清新的体裁,去影响和说服潜在的客户。语言既要吸引人,使人感到亲切,又要体现信息的真实性,使人感到可信可靠。,二、 Reviver Letter (振兴信) (主要介绍本公司的进步),A close relative of the sales letter is the “Reviver Letter”, the purpose of which is not to acquire new customers, but to retain or regain old ones. They are the backbones of sales potential. 80/20法则:20%的客户创造80%的利润。,Sales letters and revivers are often written in the form of a “Circular”. Since circulars are traditionally supposed to find their way into the waste-paper basket without being read,it is essential that in drafting a circular the following rules should be observed:,Keep the letter short, otherwise it may not be read. Catch the readers interest in the opening paragraph. Give the letter an attractive look and make it as personal as possible.,对应例子:P125 The Reviver,三、Follow-up Letter (随访信) (私人化),促销信发出后,可能会得不到对方的答复,但企业可以再发一封“追询信” (A Follow-up Letter)(也叫随访信),询问一下原因,并提出一些对推销有利的新观点和论据,最后表示希望对方能做出反应。 Thank-you Letter(感谢信),Besides sales letters and revivers, “follow-up” letters are often used in sales promotion. A follow-up letter will refer to the customers inquiry and refer to the offer the firm has previously made; it will express regret or surprise that no order has been received and discreetly inquire into the reason.,It is useful, wherever possible, to put forward in the follow-up letter new points and arguments favorable to the promotion of sales, and the letter will end with the repeated hope that the customer will take advantage of the offer.,Some follow-up letters are quite short; Some firms use printed forms in which details are filled in. But it is obvious that a personal letter, as always, will be more effective and well worth the trouble.,对应例子:P126 The follow-up letter,注意:追询信(随访信),不但在促销信 发出后可使用,其它如发盘信等在 发出后,如若未获得对方答复,也 可用追询信,催促对方答复。,总结:,一、 Sales Letter (一)Solicited sales letter(征求销售函); (二) Unsolicited sales letter(销售邀约函) 二、 Reviver Letter (振兴信): 主要介绍本公司的进步; 三、Follow-up Letter (随访信) :私人化。 Thank-you Letter(感谢信),补充知识点,promote the sales of 促销 POP: point of purchase 销售终端 sales outlets 销售网点 off 20% 8折出售 allow a special discount for 4% 给予4%的特别折扣 clear the stock 清仓,
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