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中考英语常见动词短语1. break相关短语break down出故障,坏了My car broke down on the way home. 在回家的路上,我的车出故障了。break out爆发 A big fire broke out last night.昨晚发生了火灾。break into 闯入,破门而入Someone broke into the room and stole a lot of things. 有人闯进了这个房间,偷了很多东西。break up 打碎,分手Break up the chocolate and melt it. 把巧克力打碎然后融化。They broke up. 他们分手了。2. call相关短语call up打电话 Dont call me up at night. 不要在晚上给我打电话。call out大喊The boy is calling out in the room. 那个男孩正在房间里大喊。call on 拜访某人We call on our relatives and friends during the Spring Festival. 春节期间我们会走亲访友。call at 拜访某地They called at Mr. Browns office last week. 上周他们去拜访了布朗先生的办公室。call for 要求This job calls for great patience. 这份工作要求足够的耐心。call off 取消They have to call off the flight because of the fog. 由于大雾,他们不得不取消本次航班。3. come相关短语come down下跌,落,降,传下来The birds come down from the tree to pick some corns. 一些鸟从树上落下来拣谷物吃。come in进来Come in, please. 请进!come out出版,开花A lot of flowers come out when spring comes. 当春天到来的时候,许多花都开了。My fathers novel came out last month. 我爸爸的小说上个月出版了。come on过来,快点Come on, my boy! I will give you something delicious to eat. 过来!我的孩子,我要给你一些好吃的东西。 come along一道来,赶快You can come along to his party with me. 你可以随同我一起去参加他的晚会。come over走过来We often come over to our friends when we go out for a walk. 我们经常在散步的时候顺便拜访朋友。come up走近The cat came up and caught the mouse. 这只猫走了过来,抓住了那只老鼠。come back回来When will you come back? 你什么时候回来?come from来自Both of them come from Japan. 他们俩都来自日本。come up with 提出Who has come up with this good idea? 是谁想出这个好办法的?come to oneself 苏醒The boy came to himself after the doctors hard work.come true 实现The Chinese hundred years dream of hosting the Olympic has come true at last. 中国人民百年奥运梦想最后终于实现了。come about 发生How did this come about? 这是怎么回事?come across 偶遇,碰到I came across my teacher in the street. 在街上我偶遇了我的老师。4. cut相关短语cut down砍倒The farmers cut down a lot of trees every year. 农民每年砍伐很多树。cut off 切断He cut off the electricity and left home. 他切断电源,离开了家。cut up切碎She cut up the carrots and put them in the pot. 她把胡萝卜切碎放入锅中。5. die相关短语die of死于(内部原因如:疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感)A lot of people died of hunger every day. 每天都有很多人死于饥饿。die from死于(外界原因) He died from a traffic accident. 他死于一场交通事故。die out绝种Dinosaurs died out long long ago. 恐龙很久之前就灭绝了。die away 减弱,消退The fire dies away. 大火渐渐减弱了。6. fall相关短语fall behind落后You will fall behind if you miss a lot of lessons. 如果你落下许多功课的话,你就会落在你的同班同学的后面。fall down掉下,跌倒The baby falls down when she runs to her mother. 这个婴儿朝妈妈跑去时跌倒了。fall into 落入,陷入The boys fell into the river to cool themselves. 孩子们跳进河里凉爽凉爽。fall off 从.掉下My brother falls off a big tree. 我的弟弟从一棵大树上掉下来。fall asleep 入睡,睡觉We all fell asleep quickly after working for a long time. 工作了很长一段时间后我们很快就入睡了7. go相关短语go along沿着.走Go along the street and you will find the post office. 沿着这条街走,你就会发现邮局了。go through通过,浏览The train has to go through many tunnels. 这趟火车要过很多隧道。He is going through todays newspaper. 他正在浏览今天的报纸。go over复习,检查You must go over all your lesson before the exam. 考试前你一定要把所有的功课复习一遍。go up上升,上涨The price of pork is going up. 猪肉的价格还在上涨。go down 下落,下跌The price of oil will go down. 油价要跌了。go against违反The students cant go against the school rules. 学生不能违反校规。go on (with) 继续进行Go on with your homework. 继续做作业。go out外出,熄灭The fire goes out finally. 火最终熄灭了。go bad变质The milk will go bad if we dont put it in the fridge. 牛奶会变质,如果我们不把它放在冰箱里。go ahead 好吧- Can I use your car? 我可以用下你的车吗?- Go ahead. 好吧。8. get相关短语get down下来The price of the house will get down next year. 房子的价格明年会下来的。get away 离开,逃跑She didnt get away until nine last night. 直到晚上九点她才离开。get on进展,上车We saw him get on the bus just now. 我们刚才看到他上车了。get off下车Dont get off until the bus has stopped. 车停稳再下车。get over克服They got over a lot of difficulties and finally succeeded. 他们克服了很多苦难,最终成功了。get along/on with进展,相处We get on well with the people there when we work in that village. 当我们在那个村庄工作的时候,我们与那里的人相处很融洽。get up起床When do you usually get up in the morning? 你通常在早上什么时候起床?get back取回,收回Please buy some bananas for me when you get back. 当你回来的时候,请给我买一些香蕉。get out 出去The children got out of the room. 孩子们从这个房间出去了。get to 到达Please give me a call when you get to Beijing. 当你到达北京的时候请给我打个电话。get married 结婚My sister got married last month. 我的姐姐上个月结婚了。get ready for为做准备 We are getting read for the coming exam. 我们正在为即将到来的考试做准备。get / be tired of对感到厌倦The children get tired of reading the book. 孩子们厌倦了读这本书。get in touch with 取得联系He is trying to get in touch with her. 他一直试图和她取得联系。9. give相关短语give away赠送,泄露The teachers give away their money to the poor students.老师们把钱捐给那些贫穷的学生。Dont give away the secret. 不要泄露秘密。give out发出,分发The teacher is giving out the papers. 老师正在发试卷。give in (to sb.) 屈服The soldiers will not give in to the enem
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