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Exercise For Unit 1 (五上第一单元练习题)Name(姓名):_ Class(班级):_(一)写出下列词的反义词 young _ quiet _ tall _ strong _ new _ long _ strict _ (二)填上适当的单词使句子完整通顺。 1 A: _ is the girl ? B: _ my sister .1 A: _ Toms father like?B: _ _ thin and quiet.2 A: Is your English teacher _ ?B: No, she _ . She is short . _ she is pretty. 4:Mr. Ma is not young .He is _.3 Miss Zhao is our math teacher . She is very _ .But she is very kind . (三) 补全对话 1 A:_ ? B: Im fine .Thank you . A: _? B: She is my sister . A: _? B: No ,_ . She is very active . 2 A: _? B: Miss White is my English teacher . A: _? B: She is very tall and thin . A:_? B: Yes , she is very young .(四) 根据所给的信息完成句子。 1 What is man like ? ( 高个 ,瘦) _. 2 Is your English teacher very active ? ( 文静的) _. 3 Whos that old woman ? ( 校长) _ . 4 Is Tom very thin ? ( 强壮) _. Exercise For Unit 2 (五上第二单元练习题)Name(姓名):_ Class(班级):_一、完成句子.1. Today is Sunday. Tomorrow is _. 2. A: I clean the table and chairs, wash the plates, clean the floor, make the bed B: Oh, you do much _. 3. _ is it? Its eight oclock. 4. Mike _ science on Monday. 5. _ is your P.E. teacher? Mr Black is our P.E. teacher. 6. The first day of a week is _. 7. The day before(在之前) Sunday is _. 8. The day after(在之后)Wednesday is _. 二、根据上下文补充所缺的句子。1. A: What do you do on Saturdays?B: _.2. A: _?B: We have art class and Chinese class on Tuesdays.3. A: ?B: Today is Tuesday.4. A: Whats Sarahs father like?B: .5. A: _ ?B: Yes, I can swim.三、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否正确,是则定“T”,否则定“F”。 Hello! My name is Sarah. Im an active girl. From Monday to Friday, I go to school. I like Tuesdays and Fridays, because I like P.E. classes and art classes. We have P.E. on Fridays and we have art on Tuesdays. I like my English teacher. She is short , but she is pretty. On Wednesday, I often play ping-pong with my classmates. Its seven oclock now. Oh, its time to do my homework.( )1. Sarah is not a quiet girl.( )2. Sarah likes music classes very much.( )3. Sarah plays ping-pong with her teachers on Wednesdays.( )4. Its time to have P.E. class.( )5. Sarah likes Tuesdays and Fridays.Exercise For Unit 3 (五上第三单元练习题)Name(姓名):_ Class(班级):_一、根据句意和首字母,填入适当的单词。1. P_, m_ and b_ are meat(肉类). 2. I dont like strawberries, because theyre s_. 3. A_, b_ and o_ are fruits. 4. What would you like for d_? 5. I like beef, but Im heavy now. I h_ to eat v_.二、补全对话。Mike: _, Chen Jie ?Chen Jie : I like bananas. They are tasty._?Mike: I dont like them, but I like oranges. They are _. Chen Jie: Yes. But they are too _. _? Mike: Id like some French fries and hot dogs. Chen Jie: Id like some French fries and hot dogs, too. Mike: Lets go and have lunch now. 三、根据实际情况回答问题或根据答句写问句。 6. A: ?B: Id like some potatoes for dinner on Friday . 7. A: _ _? B: I have fish and beef for lunch on Sunday. 3. A: _ _?B: Bananas are my favourite fruit. 4. Are green beans your favourite food? 5. Does your mother like grapes? 6. What do you have for breakfast on Sundays? 7. Are you hungry now?
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