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出国英语急用口语 订机票 订机票是必须的一件事情,那么关于订机票的急用口语是怎么样表达的?以下是给大家的关于订机票的英语急用口语,希望可以帮到大家 Can I see a domestic timetable? 我能看一看国内时刻表吗? Whats the fare? 票价是多少? I wonder whether you grant discount. 我想知道你们有没有打折。 Could you give us any discount? 能给我们打折吗? Can you _ me if there is a flight to New York? 有飞往纽约的航班吗? You have three flights to Las Vegas? 你们共有3次飞往拉斯维加斯的航班吗? Do you have any direct flight to Tokyo? 你们有没有直飞东京的航班? Please _ me your name. 请告诉我您的名字。 Let me see whats available. 我查一下有什么航班。 I want to go coach,and Id prefer a morning flight. 我要普通舱,还有我想要早上的航班。 Check-in time is 7 :45. 7点45分起办理登机手续。 Id like to make a reservation for two to Los Angeles. 我要预订两张去洛杉矶的机票。 For what day? 请问要哪一天的? I prefer a morning flight. 我要上午的航班。 Id like to get a seat on a flight to Amsterdam tomorrow. 我想订一张明天飞往阿姆斯特丹的机票。 Both flights have seats available. 两次航班都有座位。 Which airline would you like to take? 您想乘哪家航空公司的航班? Any particular line? 有特定的航空公司吗? One way or return? 单程票还是返程票? Smoking or nonsmoking? 吸烟还是不吸烟? Aisle or window seat? 过道边上的座位还是靠窗的座位? All seats have been booked. 票位都订出去了。 Can you get them? 能订得到吗? Where would the stopover be? 中途要在哪儿停? There are three between landing and departure. 整个停留时间为3个小时。 Youll have to get to the airport by 8:00,at the latest. 你最迟要在8点钟到机场。 Which would you prefer,first or economy? 您想订头等舱还是经济舱? When can I get my ticket? 我什么时候可以取票? Can you _ me what time were arriving in Rome? 你能告诉我,我们何时抵达罗马吗? You have a stopover in Tokyo. 途中在东京停留。 You dont need a reservation. 您不必预订机票。 模板,内容仅供参考
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