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出国英语急用口语 在售票处 关于在售票处的急用口语该如何表达?以下是给大家的关于在售票处的英语急用口语,希望可以帮到大家 Where is the ticket machine? 售票机在哪里? Would you please _ me where the ticket office booth is? 请告诉我售票处在哪里? Where is the ticket window? 售票口在哪里? We usually sell tickets three days in advance. 我们通常提前3天售票。 Where can we get the tickets? 我们在哪儿买票? You have three express trains to New York. 有3趟去纽约的特快列车你们可以乘坐。 Must I book a ticket in advance? 我必需提前预订车票吗? Are there any tickets available on this train? 这趟列车还有车票吗? Two round trip tickets,please. 请给我2张往返票。 Id like to have two soft berth tickets to Shanghai for tomorrow. 我想订2张明天到上海的软卧票。 May I have two lower berths? 我可以要2张下铺票吗? Im sorry,sleepers for tomorrow have been sold out. 对不起,明天的卧铺票卖完了。 Id like to take an express to Shanghai. 我想乘快车去上海。 When does the train reach its destination? 这趟车什么时候到目的地? When is the train from Bei _g due in Guangzhou? 北京来的火车什么时候到广州? Are there any non-stops to Bei _g? 有直达北京的火车吗? Do you have any tickets for eight oclock? 有8点的车票吗? This express will go straight from New York to Washington D. C. without a stop. 这列快车从纽约直达华盛顿特区,中途不停车。 We normally sell the upper and lower berths together. 我们通常上下铺搭配出售。 The new timetable will e into effect on May 1st. 新的火车时刻表5月1日生效。 Does the train stop at all stations? 这趟车每站都停吗? When does the train leave for New York? 这趟车什么时候开往纽约? Ill take a hard seat. 我要一个硬座。 Is there a train that leaves in the afternoon? 有下午的列车吗? Which platform does it go from? 在几号站台上车? At which window can I make reservations? 我在哪个窗口可以预订票? Does the express stop at Tian _? 快车在天津停吗? What time does this train arrive in Dalian? 这列火车到达大连时是几点? When is the first train for Xiamen? 开往厦门最早的火车是几点? I dont feel like changing trains. Is there any other choice in the afternoon? 我不想转车,下午有没有直达车? Are there any seats left in the non-smoker partments? 无烟车厢还有空位吗? What is the rate for a berth in the parlor car? 豪华车厢的卧铺票一张多少钱? How much is a bus ticket to New York? 到纽约的公共汽车票是多少钱? How much is the fare? 车票多少钱? Can I get a bus ticket that allows unlimited travel? 我能买一张不限旅程的公交车票吗? As stipulated,children over the height of one meter should be charged. 按规定,超过1米高的孩子都应该买票。 Children can travel half fare. 儿童可以半票乘车。 Does he need a ticket? 他需要车票吗? Is he an adult or a child? 他是成人票,还是儿童票? Children under ten years old can travel half fare. 10岁以下儿童半票。 How much free baggage is a passenger allowed? 每位乘客可以带多少行李? Whats the overweight allowance? 行李超重限额是多少? Can I cancel this ticket? 我能退票吗? Can I pay in travelers cheques? 我能用旅游支票结算吗? Which cabin do you want? 你想要买哪个舱的? Is there any unreserved first-class cabin? 头等舱还有没有舱位了? How much does the sea view stateroom cost per person? 它的海景舱房每位价格多少呢? How many different options are there for shore excursions in Singapore? 请问在新加坡的岸上观光有几种选择呢? We have a Caribbean Vacation package. 我们有加勒比海假期的航程。 The reservation for the Alaska cruise is full. 阿拉斯加航线的船位已订满。 Whats the difference of the view between the sea view staterooms on the 5th and the 3rd floor? 第5层和第3层的海景舱房景观有何差别? What is covered in my cruise fee? 我的船费包含了什么? 模板,内容仅供参考
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