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出国英语急用口语 调换座位 有时候我们想跟别人换一下位置,却不知道如何表达,那么关于调换座位的口语表达该如何说?以下是给大家的关于调换座位的英语急用口语,希望可以帮到大家 Do you mind changing your seat with me? 您介意和我换一下座位吗? May I take this seat? 我可以坐这个位子吗? May I move to the non-smoking area for a while? 我可以暂时移到非吸烟区吗? May I change my seat? 我可以换座位吗? Can we have our seats as close to each other as possible? 我们相互能不能坐得尽量近些。 My friend and I are separated,and we would like to sit together. 我的朋友与我被隔开了,我们想要坐在一起。 Could you change my seat,please? 是否可替我更换座位? I wonder if I could change my seat to the front. 我不知道我能不能把座位换到前面。 My wife and I were assigned separate seats. Do you have any empty seats together somewhere? 我和我妻子的座位是分开的,有在一起的空座吗? 模板,内容仅供参考
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