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出国英语急用口语 问路 我们对于人生地不熟的时候都会去问别人该怎么走,那么关于问路的急用表达是如何的?以下是给大家的关于问路的英语急用口语,希望可以帮到大家 Could you me where I can take a lift? 请问我在哪儿能乘电梯? Can I walk there? 我可以走着去吗? Which way is east? 哪一条是往东的路? Where are we now? 我们现在是在什么地方? Please point out where I am on this map. 请在这张地图上指出我现在的位置。 Which way is south? 哪一条路是往南的? Is there a shorter way? 有没有更近的路? Can I walk there in twenty minutes? 我可以在20分钟之内走到那儿吗? But could you me the nearest way to Swan Hotel? 你可以告诉我到天鹅宾馆最近的路怎么走吗? Excuse me. Im trying to find Queen Building. How can I get there? 打扰一下,我正在找王后大厦,我怎么才能到那儿? Which way shall I take? I want to go back to Tide Hotel. 我想回泰得宾馆,我该走哪条道? Excuse me. Im not going in the right direction to the post office, am I? 打扰一下。去邮局我走的方向不对,是吗? Excuse me! Could you me where the nearest hotel is? 对不起!请告诉我最近的旅馆在哪儿? Walk along 4th Avenue until you get to 51st Street,and then turn left. 沿着第4大道直走到51街,然后左转。 Please show me where I am. 请告诉我我现在所处的位置。 Im lost. 我迷路了。 Im confused. Where are we now? 我糊涂了,我们现在在什么地方呢? I was wondering if you could help me. Ive got lost on my way back to the hotel. 请帮帮忙,我找不到回旅馆的路了。 Would you please direct me to the university? 您能给我指一下去大学的路吗? Excuse me,is there a shortcut I can take to Town Hall? 请问,有去市政厅的近道吗? Will you me the best way to Town Hall? 请告诉我去市政厅的最佳路线,好吗? Could you please show me the way to the airport on this map? 您能在地图上指给我去机场的路吗? How can I get to the town center? 我去市中心怎么走? Im not going in the wrong direction,am I? 我没走错路,对吧? Is this the right way to downtown? 这是通往市区的路吧? Am I going north? 我现在是在往北走吗? What street do I turn on? 在哪条街转弯? How far is it from here? 离这儿有多远? Is it very far from here? 离这儿很远吗? Can you point out where the post office is? 您能指一下邮局在哪儿吗? Is there a bookstore anywhere near here? 这附近有书店吗? What floor is your office on? 你的办公室在几楼? What building is your office in? 你的办公室在哪幢楼里? What street is your office on? 你的办公楼在哪条街上? What major streets is that between? 那儿有哪些主要街道? Which is more convenient for me,by trolley bus or by subway? 乘电车还是乘地铁对我更方便? Its not within walking distance. 那可不是走路可以到达的。 Its a ways away. 那可是远得很呢。 Its a good ten miles from here. 从这里到那里至少有10英里呢。 Its out in the boonies. 那地方远离市中心。 Its very near here. 离这里很近。 Its up the road. 沿着大路就走到了。 Its over there in front of the drugstore. 就在那儿,那个药店前面。 Its the third building from here. 从这里数第3幢楼。 Its two doors past the post office. 过了邮局再往前走2个门就到了。 Its next door. 就在隔壁。 Its only about two blocks down this street. 从这条街向下走2个街区就是。 You can see it on the horizon. 就在视线范围之内了。 You can see the sign over there clearly. 你可以清楚地看到那儿的标志了。 The place you want is only a few steps ahead on your left. 在你左边往前走几步路就是你要找的地方。 Its up ahead on the left. 向左再走一些路就到了。 Its on your left, 就在你左边。 Its only about five minutes walk. 步行只要5分钟就到了。 Please turn right at the traffic lights. 请在红绿灯处右转。 Stay to your left. 一直往右走。 Walk two blocks till you see a bank. 步行2个街区,你会看见一个银行。 Keep going till you pass the church,and then go left. 一直往前走,过了教堂后左拐。 Head downtown and its just before the park. 往市中心的方向走,公园前便是。 Go through three lights and turn right at the fourth. 过了3道红绿灯后,第4道往右拐。 After the stop sign,turn in the next driveway. 过了禁止通行的标志后,在下一个车道转弯。 Youve e too far. 你走过了。 You must go back a little way. 你得往回走一段了。 Im sorry,Im not sure. You can ask someone else. 很抱歉,我也拿不准。你可以问问别人。 Im sorry,this is my first time here,too. 对不起,我也是初来此地。 Im a stranger here myself, and I do not know much about this place. 我也是外地人,对这里也不熟悉。 I suggest you ask the cop over there. 我建议你去问那边的警察。 Youve way off. 你完全走错了。 Its only a couple of yards away. 再走几步就到了。 Go straight down the street. 沿这条街直走。 模板,内容仅供参考
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