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Section A1a1c,Could you please clean your room?,一. 分析教学内容,中心话题: Could you please clean your room? 家务方面的单词和短语 用Could you please ?向别人礼貌地提出请求。,二 确定教学目标,语言目标: “Could you please do things?” “Sure / Certainly /Of couse.” ,“Sorry, I cant,. I have to do” 以do housework 和调查做力能所及的事为话题,学会运用“Could you please do things?” 知识技能: 学习trash,chore ,dish ,do the dishes,sweep,make ones bed, fold, living room, sweep, take out, 情态动词can could.并且复习运用情态动词have to.,二 确定教学目标,情感目标: 通过本课的学习,适时对学生进行爱的教育,使他们能理解父母,增进家庭成员间的感情,帮助分担家务,学会与他人沟通,这亦是素质教育的“以人为本”的目标体现。 学习策略: 抓住用英语交际的机会,把注意力集中在意思的表达上,借助肢体动作和表情,主动参与学习活动,善于和他人合作。.,三说教学重点和难点,1重点。 1)学习和复习一些常用的动词短语。eg Watch TV 2)委婉地提出请求. Could you please do things? Yes, Sure. Sorry, I cant. I have to do” 3)学习如何请求他人的帮助。 2难点。 在实际的生活中委婉地表达自己的请求,获取帮助,四学生学情分析,语言基础: 已经学习了许多动词短语,watch TV clean the room eat breakfast 铺垫: 已初步掌握了用祈使句和Can you?/Can I? 提出请求和建议,四学生学情分析,话题: 从谈论家务-对家务的看法(好恶)-父母和孩子之间承担的家务- 社交、休闲活动等生活的各个方面,各任务层层递进,与学生的生活紧密相连,又是学生饶有兴趣的内容,为表达提供了真实的材料,使得学生在各个活动中想说、有话说,使活动参与的范围广,达到任务的真实性,有效性,趣味性。 受教育: 在学习中学生受到爱的教育,学会爱父母,爱家庭,爱劳动,学会如何与人交往,学会表达自己对事情的看法,使他们的个性得到张扬。,五说 教学法,兴趣激励法 角色表演法 课件展示法,六说教学过程,1. Warming up (3) I think everyone should be a good child at home . Do you often help your parents make breakfast/ clean the room /do the washing ?来了解他们做家务的情况,根据回答情况适时进行教育,Our parents are often very tired after a days work. I think we should do more things for them. Ok? 然后问学生 What other chores can we do ?,2. Learn new words and phrases (3),给学生展示幻灯片,用Whats he doing? Whatre they doing?句型引导他们根据幻灯片上的内容说出本节课的主要短语 do the dishes sweep the floor take out the trash make the bed fold the clothes clean the living room 简单教给学生新单词或短语的意思,领读数遍直到读熟为止. 找学生读检查掌握情况.,clean the living room,do the dishes,sweep the floor,take out the trash,make the bed,fold the clothes,3. Learn the use of the words and phrases(20),chore n.杂务,杂事。 do chores do housework My cousin likes doing chores. dish C 盘;碟;菜肴。 dishes do the dishes =wash the dishes Id like two dishes, one is a fish dish ,and the other is a chichen dish. sweep v. swept sweep the floor trash U She sweeps the trash into the wastebasket. take out 取出 v+adv take out my book= take my book out take it out take out of从拿出 Please take your books out of your desks. make ones /the bed 整理床铺 Could you please make your bed? fold v. 折叠;折起来。 Fold the paper in two /half. fold the clothes living room= sitting room living动名词作定语修饰后面的名词。 reading room singing star,4. Memory game. (6),What is she doing? What are they doing? Do you still remember?,Discuss,1b.Listening,P,M,P,M,Peters chores or Moms chores?,M,P,7. Pair work (5),Ask your partner for help Could you please do things? Yes, Sure. Sorry, I have to do Note: Could you please +v原? Could在这里不是can的过去式,而是更委婉的说法. Sorry, I cant 用cant不用couldt回答,Game,9Interview (2)How to be a better boy and girl?,Im going to do,10. 总结本节课的教学重点。(1),do the dishes Could you please +v ? take out the trash Yes,sure. fold the clothes sweep the floor Sorry, I have to do make the bed clean the living room,11. Ex: (4),(1) Could you please do the -(dish)? (2) Could you please -(take) out the trash? (3) She took her pencil out -the pencil case. (4) Could you please help me carry the box? - A Thats right B Right C Sure D It doesnt matter (5) Li Leis mother - (make) the bed for him every day.,板书设计,Chore do chores do the dishes Could you please +v ? take out the trash Yes,sure. fold the clothes sweep the floor Sorry, I have to do make the bed clean the living room,预设效果,绝大部分学生课上能掌握表示家务活的短语,能用Could you please +v ? 这个句型来表达委婉请求,并且正确回答.,
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