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Unit 1 How often do you exercise? Unit 1 How often do you exercise?,Section A- 2,1.看电影 2.看电视 3.买东西 4.锻炼 5.读英语书 6.上网 7.踢足球 8.做作业 9.溜滑板运动,1. go to the movies 2. watch TV 3. Shop或go shopping 4. exercise 5. read English books 6. surf the Internet 7. play soccer 8. do homework 9. go skateboarding,New words and phrases,Vocabulary频率副词,模糊频率副词 100% 0% alwaysusually often sometimes hardly ever never 精确的频率副词 次数+时间范围 once a week, twice a month, four times a year 其他的表达法 every day/night/year ,every day/night 每天/每晚 once a week/month 每周/月一次 twice a week/month 每周/月两次 three times a week/month 每周/月三次 four times a week/month 每周/月四次 once or twice a week/month 每周/月一或二次 three or four times a week/month 每周/月三或四次,More phrases:,Grammar,always usually sometimes hardly ever never every day once a week twice a week three times a day once a month,表示频度,频率的 副词、短语,常用一般现在时态 用 how often 提问,对划线部分提问。,I usually watch TV on weekends.,EXERCISES,What do you usually do on weekends.,I watch TV sometimes on weekends.,How often do you watch TV ?,EXERCISES,I usually play soccer. They often go to the movies. He sometimes watches TV. I shop once a month. He watches TV twice a week. I hardly ever surf the Internet. ZhaoLin often go skateboarding. The boy always play computer games.,always 100%,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever,never 0%,Pairwork,A: How often do you? B: I,A: How often does he/she? B: He/She,Oral practice,How often do you do these activities? Make conversations with your partner.,do homework,everyday,A: How often do you do your homework? B: Everyday.,exercise,three times a week,A: How often do you exercise? B: Three times a week.,eat junk food,once a month,A: How often do you eat junk food? B: Once a month.,surf the Internet,once a week,A: How often do you surf the Internet? B: Once a week.,How often does he/ she?,He/She goes skateboarding twice a week.,twice a week,Practice,Fill in the blanks with the information in the “Activity Survey” and “Vocabulary Key” .,Vocabulary Key All students= 100% Most students= 51%-99% Some students=1%-50% No students=0%,What Do Students Do at Green High School? Here are the results of the student activity at Hilltop high school. _ students exercise three or four times a week. Some students exercise once or twice a week. _ students exercise every day. As for homework, _ students do homework every day. _students do homework three or four times a week. _ students do homework once or twice a week. The results for “watch TV” are interesting. _ students watch TV once or twice a week, some students watch TV _ _ _ a week, but most students watch _ .,Most,Some,most,Some,No,Some,three or four times,every day,3,Discussion,Discuss with your partners your daily activities. How often do you do them? Why do you like them? eg. A: What do you usually do on weekends? B: I usually go shopping. A: How often do you go shopping? B: Twice a month. A: Why do you like it? B: Its exciting.,What can you do to improve your English?(提高英语),read some English books,read English newspapers,sing English songs,speak English with foreigners,join the summer camp,do some English exercises,Interview,How often do you? read English books sing English songs watch English programs listen to English tapes join the English corner chat with foreigner,其他表示频度的词,every day once a week/month/year twice a week/month/year three times a week/month/year four times a week/month/year,Do you know?,sometime 某个时间 some time 一段时间 sometimes 有时 some times 几次,I sometimes go to school by bus.,I will go to America sometime this year.,I have been to the Great Wall for some times.,I watched TV for some time last night.,Whos the best English student?,Grammar,always usually sometimes hardly ever never every day once a week twice a week three times a day once a month,表示频度,频率的 副词、短语,常用一般现在时态 用 how often 提问,对划线部分提问。,I usually watch TV on weekends.,EXERCISES,What do you usually do on weekends.,I watch TV sometimes on weekends.,How often do you watch TV ?,EXERCISES,I usually play soccer. They often go to the movies. He sometimes watches TV. I shop once a month. He watches TV twice a week. I hardly ever surf the Internet. ZhaoLin often go skateboarding. The boy always play computer games.,ByeBye!,
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