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文档来源于网络,如有重复请自行下载国旗下讲话稿之国旗下讲话Our School 大家好!我是来自初二(3)班的俞勤。我是学校初二演讲比赛一等奖获得者,我即将参加第五届中小学生英语口语电视大赛。下面,我向大家汇报我的英语演讲。How time flies!It is over 1 year since I was in No.1 Secondary School. Now it has become my second family.No.1 Secondary School has a long history.It was set up in 1933 and it was called Lishui Private Bochun Secondary School then.Cha Zhu Pavilion here is beautiful.It contains rich and deep culture of Lishui,especially our school.Our school has changed a lot during the past years.There are green trees and grass everywhere and its very beautiful.Like a big beautiful garden.Opposite the gate is a pool and a rockery.There is pure and fresh air around.They make up beautiful view together with the flowing water and the sound of frogs.Cha Zhu Pavilion is in the southwest of our school,it is the symbol building of our school.It records the deep culture and history of our school.It has many inscriptions of famous persons inside.Youll feel pleased when you are in it.Our school built a new road made of gray stones.We call it Gray-stone Avenue.It forms another beautiful view for our school.Looking at the flying doves in the morning,we feel relaxed and happy.Our school has improved the conditions of the education and teaching these years.Grand-new teaching buildings,spacious and bright classrooms,perfect multimedia equipments make it easy and convenient for us to upload and download information.All of these lay the foundation for our school education and teaching.接下来,我为大家学英语提一些建议,希望对您有所帮助。Rome wasnt built in a day! My dear friends,Id like to share with you some of my thoughts about learning English.Learning English is like building a house.Laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step.In other words,you should read and speak English every day. Memorizing new words and phrases is also helpful.Like building a house,learning English takes some time.So dont beImpatient.Remembers “Rome wasnt built in a day.”Thats all.Thank you for your listening.2
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