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Module 6 WeatherUnit 11 Whats the weather like today?【单词回顾】 天气_ 云_ 多云的_雨;下雨_ 再;再一次_ 潮湿的_ 英国_ 太阳_ 阳光充足的_ 干燥的_ 户外_温暖的_ 刮风的_ 凉爽的_ 穿_雪_ 下雪的_ 雪人_ 某一天_一、描述天气的形容词:warm, hot, cool, cold, snow, cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy, dry, wet 短语:some day, in the snow, heavy snow, make a snowman二、句型:1. Whats the weather like in Beijing in winter? Its cold.2. How is the weather in October? Its windy and cool.3. Its cold / hot / cool here.4. Its sunny / cloudy / snowy / dry / wet.5. I hope I can visit England some day.三、重点精析:Whats the weather like in England now? 英格兰现在天气怎么样?分析:“Whats the weather like in.?”是询问天气的常用语,其中weather意为“天气”,in后面可以接表示时间(如spring, summer等)或地点(如Beijing, London)等的词。回答时,可以用“Its + 表示天气状况的形容词.”如:- Whats the weather like in summer?- Its hot.同时,它的同义句型为“How is the weather in?”【即时演练】一、选出不同类的单词。( )1.A.wearB.hotC.warmD.cold( )2.A.rainyB.snowyC.weatherD.cloudy( )3.A.shirtB.jacketC.sweaterD.shoes( )4.A.coatB.coldC.sweaterD.shirt( )5.A.playB.wearC.umbrellaD.take( )6.A.windyB.windowC.sunnyD.cloudy( )7.A.yellowB.blueC.warmD.white( )8.A.threeB.coolC.sixD.eight二、选择题。( )1、_theweatherliketoday?A、WhatB、WhatsC、WheresD、How( )2、A:_ arethedesks?B:Intheclassroom.A、HowB、WhereC、WheresD、Wherere( )3、Its_ today.A、sunB、asunC、sunnyD、sundy( )4、A:CanIwearmynewdresstoday?B:_.A、Yes,youcant.B、No,youcan.C、No,youcant.D、Yes,youare.( )5、Todayisverycold.I_wearmyT-shirt.A、canB、cantC、not D、do ( )7、_Ivisityournewcomputerroom? A. Are B. Can C. Am( )8、Is windy in Kunming? A、Yes, is it. B、Yes, it is. C、No, it is. D、No, is not.( )9、Todayisveryhot.Youcantwearyour_.A、skirtB、dressC、coat D、black( )10、-_theweather today? -Itsrainy.A、WhatsB、WhereC、Whose D、How三、用正确的形式填空。1.Itisvery_(炎热的)inChongqinginsummer.2.Itisvery_(寒冷的)inHarbinginwinter.3.Itisvery_(温暖的)inkunminginayear.4. Itis_(凉爽的)inJinaninfall.5. Its so _ (cloud). It will rain soon.6. Its usually very _ (sun)and warm on England.7. Its cold and _(snow) in December. So you can make a _ (snow).8. Its _ (wind) and cool. We can wear _ (hat) and _ (coat).四、阅读短文,判断对错。TodayisSunday.Theweatheriswarmandwindy.Icanwearmyshirtandjeans.Iflyakiteontheplayground.TomandJackweartheirT-shirtandshorts.Theyplayfootball.ButinHarbin,itscold.Itssnowy.Peopleputontheircoatandhats.Theycanmakeasnowmanandskate.Itsfunny.( )1.Itscloudyandwindytoday.( )2.Itswindy.SoIcanflyakite.( )3.Itshot.TomcanwearhisT-shirtandshorts.( )4.ItssnowyinHarbintoday.( )5.Icanmakeasnowman,too.五、阅读短文,把正确的答案选出来,并把字母编号写在题前的括号里。Hello, mynameisLinlin. IamfromDongguan. Itssunnytoday. Its hottoo.IcanwearmyT-shirtandshorts.MyT-shirtisgreen.Theshortsarewhite.Ihaveanewskirt. Itsyellow. Butitstoosmall. Iwanttobuyadress, too.( )1、WhatstheweatherlikeinDongguan?A. Itswarm. B. Itscold. C. Itssunnyandhot.( )2、WhatcolouristheT-shirt? AYellow B. GreenC. White( )3、Linlinhasanew_ AsweaterB.dressC. skirt( )4、Linlincomesfrom_ A. GuangzhouB. BeijingC. Dongguan( )5、Linlinwears_today。 A. T-shirtandshorts B. dress C.skirtUnit 12 Four season in a day【单词回顾】 季节_ 亲爱的_ 报告_ 温度_度之前在外面改变迅速地_ 离开_ 转变_ (阳光)照耀_猛烈地;努力地_ 雨伞_ 完成_ 走路_真实的_
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