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Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 1. sing(现在分词) singing 2. dance(现在分词) dancing 3. swim(现在分词) swimming 4.draw(同义词) paint 5. story(复数) stories 6. Write(同音词) right 7. drum(复数) drums 8. piano(复数) pianos 9. also(同义词) too/either 10. make(单三) makes(现在分词) making 11. Cen ter(形容词) central 12. teach(名词) teacher 13. musician(形容词) musical Unit 2 What time do you usually go to school ? 一、词汇拓展 1. up(反义词 )down 2. brush(单三) brushes 3. tooth(复数) teeth 4. always( 反义词 )never 5.early(反义词) late 6. work(同义词) job 7. night(反义词) day 8. half(复数) halves 9. run(现在分词) running 10. clean(现在分词) cleaning 11. eitheror (反义词) neither nor 12. life(复数) lives 13. taste(单三) tastes Unit 3 How do you get to school? 一、词汇拓展 1. Subway (同义词) underway 2. ride(现在分词) riding 3. bike(完全式) bicycle 4. far from(反义词) near to 5. km(完全式) kilometer 6. drive(现在分词) driving 7. cross (介词) across ( 名词) crossing 8. Village(指人) villager 9. leave/li:v/ live /liv/ 10. stop(同义词 ) station Unit 4 Dont eat in class. 一、词汇拓展 1. rule(复数) rules 2. hallway(复数) hallways 3. listen(现在分词) listening 4. fight(现在分词 )fighting 5. outside(反义词 )inside 6. wear(同音词) where 7. important(反义词 )unimportant 8. bring to(反义词) take to 9. uniform(复数) uniforms 10.out(反义词) in 11. before(反义词) after 12. dirty (反义词 )clean 13. noisy(反义词 )quiet 14. relax(形容词 )relaxing/relaxed 15. terrible(副词)terribly 16. luck(形容词 )lucky Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 一、 词汇拓展 1. panda(复数) pandas 2. zoo(复数)zoos 3. tiger(复数)tigers 4. koala(复数)koalas 5. giraffe (复数)giraffes 6.elephant(复数)elephant 7.lazy(反义词 )di gent 8. beautiful(名词)beauty (反义词 )ugly 9. Australia(指人)Australian 10. south(对应词 )north 11. Africa(指人)African 12. friendly (反义词 )unfriendly 13. forget(反义词 )remember 14. danger(形容词 )dangerous 15.danger(反义词 )safety 16. ivory(复数)ivories save( 名词)saving Unit 6 I m watching TV 一、词汇拓展 1. use(现在分词 )using 2. wash(现在分词 )washing 3. drink(现在分词 )drinking 4. shop (现在分词 )shopping 5. man(复数) men 6. Study(现在分词 )studying 7. America(形容词 )American 8. dragon(复数)dragons 9. child(复数)children 10. young(反义词 )old 11. miss( 现在分词 )missing 12. wish(同义词 )hope Unit 7 It s raining! 一: 词型转换 1. rain 形容词: rainy 2.windy 名词: wind 3.cloudy 名词:cloud 4.sunny名词: sun 5.snow 形容词: snowy 6.weather 同音词: whether 7.bad 反义词 :good 8.cold 反义词: hot 9.visit 名词: visitor 10.Canada形容词: Canadian 11.sit 现在分词 sitting 12.Europe形容词: European 13.country 复数: countries 14.Russian名词: Russia Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? I词型转换 1.near反义词 : far 2.across动词: cross 名词: crossing 3.front 反义词: back 4.north 形容词: northern 5.right 反义词: left/wrong 6.enjoy 第三人称单数: enjoys 7.easily形容词: easy 8.free 反义词: busy Unit 9 What does he look like? 一:词性转换 1. curly 反义词: straight 2.tall 反义词: short 3.high 名词: height 4.thin 反义词: fat 5.glass复数: glasses 6.act 名词: actor actress 7.sing名词: singer 8.describe名词: description 9.different 副词: differently 名词: difference 10.real 副词: really 11.big 反义词: small
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