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人教新课标英语选修7 Unit 1 Living well 同步练习一、单项选择 (共15题,共0分)1.Huangshan is _ very beautiful tourist site and I want to visit it _ second time next month( )A. the; theB. the; aC. a; aD. a; the2.There is something wrong with the machineIt needs _( ) A. examineB. examinedC. to examineD. to be examined3.The local authority is trying to _ oversea investment by beautifying its environmentA. valueB. encourageC. introduceD. affect4.His company was the first _ portable radios as well as cassette tape recorder in the world( ) A. producingB. to produceC. having producedD. produced5.The studentsunion was founded for the _ of them ( ) A. benefitB. advantageC. interestD. value6._ the danger from the enemys action, people had to deal with a severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel and almost everything ( ) A. As soon asB. As long asC. As far asD. As well as7.They issued two special sets of stamps on Jan 8, 2013, _ the Chinese Lunar Year of the Snake ( ) A. in favour ofB. in celebration ofC. in terms ofD. in need of8.We all think it most foolish _ this mistake ( ) A. for you makingB. of you to makeC. you to makeD. for you to make9.Many a student _ wearing MP3 players while walking on the street Its quite dangerous ( ) A. is used toB. are used toC. was used toD. were used to10.Its nothing unusual to experience failure, and _ ought we to be so discouraged A. in no timeB. by all meansC. in no wayD. in any condition11.Now we could not do anything but _ for him here( ) A. waitedB. waitingC. to waitD. wait12.At the beginning of the 20th century, many people thought that the family was falling apart_, they thought it was dying ( )A. on the other handB. for anotherC. in other wordsD. in addition13.Many buildings in this city need repairing, but the one _ first is the library ( )A. repairedB. being repairedC. repairingD. to be repaired14.I didnt mean _ herBut talking like that means _ her( ) A. to hurt; to hurtB. hurting; hurtingC. to hurt; hurtingD. hurting; to hurt15.Im terribly sorry for coming late. I was caught in heavy traffic_ The meeting has just begun ( ) A. It is my pleasureB. Never mindC. With pleasureD. I dont mind二、完形填空(共1题,共0分)16.阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳答案。 Whenhighschoolstarted,BeckyandIbecamebestfriendsWe1manyinterestsandquickybecameinseparableWhenhighschoolended,webothcried2wewouldattenddifferentcollegesinthefall Ourfirsttermofuniversitylifewas 3,WehadahugetelephonebillandouremailswereincrediblylongInthesecondtern,IfoundsomenewfriendswithwhomIfeltvery4ThesewerefriendswithwhomIcouldbemyselfand5outmyfeelingsIwaseagertosharemynewfriendswithBecky WhenBeckyfinallyvisitedmeatmyschool,wewereexcitedShe 6atoybeartomeasapresentandtoldmeabouthercollegelifeHowever,somethingunexpectedhappenedwhenI7hertomynewfriendsHereyesgrewdarkandIcouldseethe8withinthemMynewfriendstriedtosharetheirfriendship,butBeckyseemed9toacceptitIdidntunderstand10thepeople1lovedmostcouldntloveeachother BeckyleftIknewshewasnothappyIthoughtlongaboutwhathadhappenedAftermanyunansweredquestions,Iunderstoodthatshewas11Shesawmewithmynewfriendsand12thatwelongersharedthesameexperiencesShesawallshefunIwashaving13herandwishedshecouldbeapartofitShewishedshecouldbeintheir14 IwrotealettertoBecky15shesalwaysmybestfriendItoldhereveryonehadfriendsfromhomeandfriendsfromschool,andallthefriendswereindeedlifesgreatest16BeckywrotetomebacksoonShewasin17andfeltsorryaboutwhatshehaddone IthinkBeckyandIbothlearnanimportantlessonfromit18caninfluenceourfriendshipandchangetheexperienceswevesharedWearenowwalkingontwodifferentpathsof19whilenewfriendsarcspecialandexciting,oldfriendsarealwaysthere,20tosharetheirheartandsoul,nomatterhowfarapartA. waitingB. planningC. choosingD. demanding三、阅读理解(共2题,共0分)17.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C或D)中,选出最佳选项 Legend has it that President George Washington never told a lie Still, he was not perfect A library in New York has a document to prove it According to a written record of the library, Washington checked out two books on October 5, 1789, and never brought them back More than 220 years have gone by since Washington borrowed the books, and a lot has changed since then. Back in 1789, there was no Washington, DC The US capital was New York City, and that was where the President lived There was only one place in the city to borrow books, the New York Society Library It was there that Washin
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