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人教版PEP英语五年级下册 Unit 6 Work quietly! Part A同步训练一、看图片,选句子。 (共1题,共0分)1.看图片,选句子A. Talk quietly.B. Keep to the right.C. What is Zhang Peng doing?D. Keep your desk clean.E. They are eating lunch. 1 2 3 4 5 二、把正确选项的序号填入括号中。 (共10题,共0分)2.What are _ doing?( )A. heB. the studentsC. she3.Shes listening _ music.( )A. toB. onC. at4.Is_doing his homework? ( )A. youB. sheC. he5.They are having _ English class( )A. aB. anC. the6.Chejie is class.( )A. havingB. hasC. have7.- What are they doing?- _( )A. They are eating lunch.B. I am eating lunch.8.-_-He is cleaning the room.( )A. What is Mike doing?B. What is Chenjie doing?9.- _- She is doing homework.( )A. What is he doing?B. What is Chejie doing?10.- What is your father doing? ( )- He _ computer games. A. playingB. playC. is playing11._ is the same(一样) with the “wh” in the word “who”.( ) A. wallB. holidayC. where三、读一读,判断下列单词读音是否一致,一致的写“T”,不一致的写“F”。 (共7题,共0分)12.whale wheat 1 13.which whom 1 14.what who 1 15.why when 1 16.wait weather 1 17.home wash my clothes 1 18.well watermelon 1四、用单词is ,am ,are 填空。 (共5题,共0分)19.What 1 Chen Jie doing?20.What 1 the students doing? 21.Whose storybook 1that? 22.I 1 reading a book now. 23.1 she eating lunch? Yes, she is. 五、英译汉。 (共1题,共0分)24.翻译下列句子。(1)Mike is reading a book at school. (2)What are the cats doing? (3)Look, they are sleeping.
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