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Background Information,BR_MAIN,Extended Reading,Warm-up Questions,Free Discussion,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,Before Reading_1.1,Warm-up Questions,1. How often do you visit bookshops?,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,Before Reading_1.2,2. What is usually your purpose of visiting a bookshop, to buy a book or just to browse among books?,Warm-up Questions,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,Before Reading_1.3,open shelves,Warm-up Questions,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,3. Which do you prefer to visit, a bookshop with open shelves or one with closed shelves?,closed shelves,Before Reading_1.4,4. How much help do you want to get from a book assistant?,Warm-up Questions,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,Help?!,Do you know anything of bookshops in London? Now listen to the following program and figure out what kind of bookshops are available in Britain.,Before Reading_2_1.1,Background Information,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,Jean: Helen:,Directions:,Little Bookshops,大家好,欢迎收听 BBC Learning English。 我是董征。 Hello, Im Helen. Youre listening to Ask About Britain, the program where we answer your questions about how British people live their lives.,Before Reading_2_1.2,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,Jean: Helen: Jean: Helen: Helen: Jean:,Helen, whats our question today? Our question today is from Peggy Chu. What does Peggy want to know? Well, Peggy is interested in knowing whether small bookshops like the ones featured in the film Notting Hill still exist in the UK. Id say yes, therere still small bookshops around. Lets hear from a few book lovers and see if they can tell us a bit more. Here is Jonathan.,Jean:,像休 葛兰特还有朱莉娅 罗伯特主演的诺丁山影片里面 的那种英国小书店,现在在英国还有吗?,Where you find them? They tend to be in areas in towns which have second-hand shops. Be it for antique furniture, pottery or porcelain, but also bookshops and pictures. So its worth when you visit a town, to go to the tourist office and just ask where you might find the second-hand area, whether therere any bookshops which specialize in second-hand or antiquarian books, and theyll point you in the right direction.,Before Reading_2_1.3,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,Insert:,Jean:,Jonathan 把小书店和二手书店做了一个联系。,Jean:,Antiquarian 古玩,就是那种古老的、富有收集价值的书籍。,Helen:,Second-hand bookshops or antiquarian bookshops.,Before Reading_2_1.4,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,Helen:,Although these shops are often found in towns and villages, they are not that easy to locate if you dont know the area.,Jean:,一般来说这样的店和其他卖二手商品的商店会挨得很近,像卖 旧家具的古玩店。,Jean:,或者卖瓷器的。,Helen:,Antique furniture.,Jean:,如果你对这座城镇不太熟悉,你完全可以向当地人或者旅游信 息咨询处去打听一下。,Helen:,Porcelain.,Helen:,The tourist information office should point you in the right direction.,Before Reading_2_1.5,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,Helen:,There is a place where you can find lots of small bookshops in the UK.,Jean:,那这个书籍爱好者天堂到底在哪里呢?,Helen:,Gemma has the detail.,Insert:,Theres a city called Hay-on-Wye which is famous for its bookstores. Therere just streets and streets of these great old tiny bookstores with a tiny bell as you open the door; the books are all covered in dust; theres books from floor to ceiling, just like in Notting Hill.,Jean:,To point someone in the right direction, 这是一个英语 里经常用到的说法。就是把某人指引向正确的方向。,Before Reading_2_1.6,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,Helen:,Its a small town in the west of England near the Welsh border.,Jean:,英国的西部,那离伦敦肯定是不近啊。,Jean:,Gemma把这些书店形容是 great old tiny bookstores,是 又有趣又微型的商店。,Helen:,Well, its about 4 hours drive from London. There youll find streets and streets of these little old bookstores.,Jean:,布满了灰尘,而且一般都是二手的旧书。,Helen:,The books are all covered in dust.,Helen:,And the books are piled up from floor to ceiling.,Jean:,这个所谓的书香小镇,旧书天堂就叫做 Hay-on-Wye,中文叫海伊小镇。不过这个小镇在哪里呢?,Before Reading_2_1.7,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,Helen:,And when you walk through the door, youd hear a lovely tiny bell ring.,Jean:,Hay-on-Wye 不光是以这里的书店而闻名,这里还每年举办 一场读书节,在5月底6月初期间,吸引了大量世界各国的书籍 爱好者。,Jean:,对呀,在伦敦这一带也有不少的好书店,Luke 接下来会给我 们着重介绍一下伦敦的书店。,Helen:,If you cant make it all the way to Hay-on-Wye, London still has many good bookshops around.,Jean:,Piled up 堆积成山,从地板一直堆到天花板,书店里到处都是书。,Before Reading_2_1.8,Detailed Reading,Before Reading,Global Reading,After Reading,Insert:,Charing Cross has quite a lot of good art stores, small ones around there. Soho has as well quite a lot. I think its more the back streets. If you walk away from the high streets, down the smaller little off-roads, then usually especially in London, youll find some around there.,Jean:,在伦敦的查林十字街上就有很多家很不错的艺术类书店。,Jean:,Luke 的建议就是多去探访一下后街 back streets 上的书店。,Helen:,Soho is another area close to Charing Cross and its usually very very busy.,H
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