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浅谈高一学生开设写作训练课 作者 张静 内容 (张静 江苏省盱眙县教育局教研室) 据统计、高考写作题的平均分是分左右(本题满分为分)。这个结果不能令人满意。书面表达能力与水平的提高需要有一个基本功训练的过程,学生刚步入高一就有必要开设写作课。 一写作训练要从高一开始 为大面积提高高考学生书面表达能力与水平,我要求全县高三教师每周让学生写一篇作文,老师抽样批改。结果两年来,学生的书面表达能力并没有多大的提高,平均分只有分。随后的两年里,为了激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高作文质量,我县举办了高二英语阅读理解、书面表达竞赛。在批改过程中,我意外地发现,很多学生其它题做得不错,唯独书面表达题却错误百出。从动词的时态、语态到名词的复数、形容词的比较级用法及简单的句型表达都有错误,如: (1) Little Mary has Learnded caligraphy since 4 years old. (2) Sometimes he can forgot to have his meal. (3) When he was 4 years old,he learned and practises hard. (4) He was strict at himself. (5) He was bornin HeBei in 1980. (6) This made him grcat progress. 高二学生基础知识为何掌握得这样差?我深深地意识到:高一年级开设写作课已十分必要。我县级高一新生刚入学便开设了写作训练课,经过三年的课堂训练,年的高考书面表达题平均得分分。 二、写作训练的方法 辅助写作的基本功训练 由简到繁进行句型转换与合并练习 a.China lies in the east of Asia (变成一般疑问句)Does China lie in theeast of Asia? b.The boy was very much frightened.IIe couldnt move. (用so.that合并句子) (用too.to 将两个句子改为简单句) The boy was so frightened that he couldnt move. The boy was too frightened to move. c.She is strict with herself.She is also strict with others. (用not only .but also 连接句子) She is strict not only with herself but also with others. 联词成句,联句成文 (1) a farmer,working ,in the field,nearby,saw,he (2) went nearer,and asked the farmer,in his car,so he (3) an Englishman,when he,in the country-side,was driving,lost his way (4)Excuse me,you _,where,am,I,can? (5)the farmer,said,looked at him,Yes,and (6)in your car,are ,you,Sir An Englishman lost his way when he was driving in the country-side.He saw a farmer working in the field nearby,so he went nearer in his carand asked the farmer,Excuse me ,can you _ me where I am? Yes,the farmer looked at him and said,You are in your car,sir. 、写作训练融于课文教学中。整体教学时,教师可根据课文内容设计一些能启发学生思维的是非判断题和问答题,进行口头问答,答句组成短文。 模板,内容仅供参考
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