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植物观察英语日记 植物观察英语日记 Before taking leave, I planted a new plant pot, it is very special. It had thin stems, the same fine with an ordinary pencil, is green. It had large emerald green leaves, like a five year old palm as large. Bifurcation green foliage out of softwood strip, new leaf shoots on the strip only fingernail and is gray-green, tender looks, often diverging more petite than the Director leaves bud children, one is a long blockbusters. My new plant beautiful it! 在放假前,我种了一盆新植物,它很特别。 它长着细细的茎,跟一支普通的铅笔一样细,是绿色的.。长着大大的翠绿色的叶子,像一张五岁小孩的手掌一样大。绿色枝叶的分叉处抽出嫩枝条,嫩枝条上的新叶子只有指甲盖那么大而且是灰绿色,看上去很嫩,常常分叉处长有比嫩叶更娇小的花骨朵儿,一长就是一大片。 我的新植物漂亮吧! 【植物观察英语日记】相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 模板,内容仅供参考
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