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江西省南昌市 2014-2015 学年八年级英语下学期期中试题2014 2015 学年度第二学期期中测试卷八年级 ( 初二 ) 英语听力材料、参考答案及评分意见听力材料:I. Listening( 每小题 1 分,共 25 分 )A) Listen and choose the right answers.请听 8 段对话,根据所听到的内容选出正确的回答,每段对话读两遍。1. M: Can I go to a friends party tonight?W: Sure, Dave. But you have to finish your homework first.2. W: What do you think of chores, Bill?M: Well, I cant stand it. I think its for moms.3. W: Did you win?M: No, I didnt.W: Well, you cant win every time, but I know you did your best, and thatmore important.4. W: Hi, Tom. Could you tell me who was shouting in the street?M: It was me. I was running after a cat. She ate my goldfish just now. Whatup, Eve?ssW: Dont you know I was sleeping just now?5. W: Today I am free. Do you want to watch sports program with me, Jim?M: Yes, I do, Mary. My father and I like football games very much.6. M: What TV program are you watching?W: Journey to the West.M: More than 30 years ago. Many kids are still interested in the Monkeys 72changes.7. M: Where were you last night? I called you.W: I was at home all the evening. When the phone rang, I was washing my hair. Icouldn t answer it, Im sorry.8. M: It s not rightforyou to copy other s homework. You should do itW: I m sorry, sir. I wont do it again.B) Listen and choose.by yourself.听长对话和独白, 回答问题。请听三段对话和一段独白,对话和独白读两遍。根据所听到的内容选出正确的回答,Conversation 1:W: We have a lot of rules at my house.M: So do we. For example, I m not allowed to play computer games.W: Me neither. But sometimes Im not allowed to watch TV for half an hour.M: Do you have to stay at home on weekends?W: No. I m allowedto spend timewithmy friendson weekends, but I have tobe homeby 9:30 p.m.M: Me too. But I have to be home by 10:30 p.m. Conversation 2:W: Jim, you look so tired. Did you study late last night?M: No, I couldn t go to sleep until 11:00 p.m.W: What happened?W: Did you argue with him?M: No, but I told him about it.W: You did well. Conversation 3:M: My math test is coming. Im crazy!W: Whats the matter with you?M: My mother is very ill. I have to look after her. I think I will fail this math test.M: Next Thursday. I have only one week. If I fail, my teacher will be angry with me.W: Take it easy .You did well in math. Youll pass the test.Monologue:Long longago, there was a boy named Meng Zhong. He and his motherliveda hardlife.He triedto do allthe houseworktohelphismother.One day, hismotherbecameseriously ill. The doctor said that his mother needed some bamboo shoot soup. Butat that time, snow was everywhere. Where could he find bamboo shoots?He was veryworriedand didn t know what todo. He criedand cried forthe wholeday. Suddenly ,he heardsome sounds, and he found a lotof bamboo shoots growing outoftheground.It was his love for his mother. Soon, his mother became well again.C)Listen and complete the sentences.听短文,填空。请听一段短文,将听到的信息,填入空格,短文读两遍。Mrs. Brown is a TV reporter. She is very busy every day and goes back home alittle late in the evening. On a hot evening, when she was walking home alone, sheheard a great noise from a pet shop nearherhome. Then a fire began. At that time,Mr. Brown was reading newspapers inhis study. Mrs. Browns daughter, Gina, wasmaking the bed. Ginasbrother,John,was writinga letter.And Johnsgrandfatherwas playing chess on the computer. When they heard the noise, they all went out tosee what was happening. At the gate, they met Mrs. Brown. She took out her mobilephone to make a call. Soon there were so many people to help put out the fire.I. Listening (每小题 1分,共 25 分 )A) 1-8 CBBC BBCAB) 9-20 BA CBC BAC BCACC) 21. walkinghome22.readingnewspapers23.grandparents24.make a call25. put outII. (每小题 1 分,共 10 分)26-30 BCDAC31-35 BCADDIII (每小题 1 分,共 10 分)36-45 HBEAGDIFJCIV A)(每小题1 分,共5 分) 46-50 CEBDAB)(每小题1 分,共5 分) 51-55 EBGFAV ( 共 25 分 )A)56-60 DACBA61-65 BADBCB)(每小题1 分,共5 分)66. their work67. communica te with68. how much69. ask(them)questions70. have meals/have dinner/have a mealVI. Think and write.(10 分 )评分意见: 此题的评分标准由各校备课组自定。VII. Challenge(10分 )评分意见: 此题为每个句子2 分,写对5 个句子即可,共 10 分。(范文素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。可复制、编制,期待你的好评与关注)
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