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第十八讲Unit 9九年级复习目标语言目标1. When was the telephone invented?I think it was invented in 1876.2. What are the used for?Theyre used for seeing in the dark.3. Who were they invented by?They were invented by Julie Thompson.知识目标掌握一般 去 的被 ;了解一些重要的 明物的 史。自读考点1. ancient= old 意思是“古代的;古老的” 。2. notice 意思是“注意到;察看到” ,常用 构 : notice + 从句, notice + 宾语 + 足 ( do / doing ), 似的 有 watch, see, hear, find, feel 等。例如:I noticed that he was entering the office. 我看 他正走 公室。 句可 成:I noticed him entering the office.3. produce=make 意思是“生 ;制造” 。4. century=100 years 意思是“百年;世 ” 。5. knock at/ on 意思是“敲” 。knock into 意思是“冲撞;与相撞” 。6. towards, to 两者都有“朝;向, ” 。前者无方向性,后者有方向。例如:The house faces towards the south.房子朝南。Can you come to my home?你能到我家来 ?7. developing 意思是“ 展中的” ,developed 意思是“ 达的”,都是形容 。8. be used for 意思是“被用于” ,后接名 、代 、 名 ; be used to do 意思是“被用来做” ;两者都是被 构。 used to do 意思是“ 去 常做” ,意味 在不再做了; be/ get used to doing 表示“ 做” 。探究活动问题讨论1. Questions(1) Who is the greatest inventor in the world?(2) How many inventions did he invent in his life?(3) Have you invented anything?(4) What is it? What is used for?2. 思考与 (1)一般 在 ,一般 去 的被 构是_。(2)主 如何 被 ?_ 。(3) 于含有省略介 to 的 足 的主 句如何 被 句?_(4)双 构的主 句如何 被 句?_背景讨论根据所学 文知 背景, 正确的答案。1. _ is enjoyed by many for joining NBA.A. Playing footballB. Playing basketballC. Playing baseballD. Playing volleyball2. Basketball is played by more than 100 million people in_ countries.A. 100B. 200C. 300D. 1903. Basketball was invented by a _ doctor named James Naismith.A. FrenchB. AmericanC. CanadianD. British4. Basketball became an Olympic event in _ in Berlin.A. 1926B. 1861C. 1936D. 18915. _ can give people more time to work and play every day.A. alarm clockB. televisionC. computerD. light bulb实战演练课内作业一、 出下列 明物的年代。() computer() car() calculator() telephone() television() potato chips() flying disk() binoculars() camera() bicycle二、翻 下列短 。1. by mistake _2. fall into _3. in this way _4. fall down _5. 把分成 _6. 与相撞 _7. 根据 _8. in the end _9. 偶然 _10. 彼此 _三、看 写 。1.2.used forinvent, Chinese13.4.invent, 4000 years agoused for5.6.invent, in Englanddiscover, by accident1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _6. _四、完形填空。Did you know that tea,1 drink in the world (after water),was invented2accident? Althoughtea wasntbroughttothe Western world31610,this beverage was discoveredover4years before that. Accordingto an ancient Chineselegend, the emperor Shen Nong discovered teawhen he5drinkingwater over an open fire. Some leaves6a nearbybushfellintothewater andremained there for7 . Theemperor noticed that the leaves in the water produced a8smell. Later he decided to9the hot mixture. Itwas quitedelicious.And10thisway, oneof the word s favoritedrinks was invented.1.A. popularB. the popularC. the more popularD. the most popular2.A. byB. inC. atD. on3.A. afterB. untilC. whenD. though4.A. three thousandB. three thousandsC. three thousand ofD. three thousands of5.A. boiledB. is boilingC. was boilingD. has boiled6.A. forB. toC. inD. from7.A. sometimesB. some timeC. some timesD. sometime8.A. pleaseB. pleasedC. pleasantD. pleasure9.A. soundB. smellC. lookD. taste10. A. inB. byC. onD. to课外作业一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The plane _ (invent) in 1930.2. We spent a _ (please) day in the country lastSunday.3. Jim said he saw a _ (fly) disk on the top of the mountain.4. If he _ (give) one more minute, he _(finish) the composition in the exam yesterday.5. This kind of sign _ (use) for stopping visitors.6. Some photos _ (take) by American children w
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