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辅 导 讲 义学员姓名:Jnce2a 年 级: 科目: Jnce2a 学科教师:Bella授课日期2018.7.21授课时段周六8:00-10:00授课主题Unit8 Anicequietafternoon教学内容课前回顾包括上次课的课后作业讲解、单词听写、错题重现、日校答疑、重难点回顾等Unit 语法:一般将来时:be going to be/do 基本结构:主语+be going to +v.原形+(时间)肯定句:主语+am/is/are+going to+ v.原形.? Its going to be a very early start. They are going to meet their teacher.否定句:主语+am/is/are not+going to+ v.原形. Im not going to take photos. She isnt going to be a model.一般疑问句:Is/Are+主语+going to+ v.原形.? Yes,主语+am/is/are. Are you going to have a walk along the river? No,主语+am/is/are not. Is he going to have a bath?特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+is/are+主语+going to+ v.原形.? Whatre you going to do this morning? Who is he going to meet for lunch?词汇:take it easy 放松 recommend v. 推荐,介绍 double adj. 两倍的,双的 portion n. (食物的)一份 carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物 alcohol n. 含有酒精饮料 along prep. 沿着 run v. 跑 running n. 跑 through prep. 通过 have v. 有, 吃,喝 drink n. 饮料 because conj. 因为right now adv. 就在此刻 have a swim 去游泳 swim n. 游泳 have a bath 洗澡bath n. 沐浴 shower n. 淋浴 broken adj. 破碎的,损坏的 重点句型:Whatareyougoingtodo?Imgoingto.Areyougoingto?Yes,Iam./No,Imnot.Whyareyougoingto?Because.作业:1. 微信熟读P.2. 背诵单词短语,下节课听写3. 完成练习册4. 每天听语音资料15分钟并大声跟读。 2
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