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元宵节打灯笼英语日记带翻译 元宵节打灯笼英语日记带翻译 今天晚上,我们村传统习俗去打灯笼。吃过晚饭,我们拿着灯笼去打灯笼那了那里的人先给我们发了一根蜡烛,点燃后我们就去打灯笼了。 This evening, the traditional custom of our village is to play lanterns. After supper, we took the lantern and went to play the lantern. The people there first sent us a candle, and after lighting it, we went to play the lantern. 不光有打灯笼的,还有打鼓的。我们打灯笼的在前面,打鼓的在后面,我们到了我们村的庙里,打鼓的开始打鼓,我们打灯笼的看他们打鼓。 There are not only lanterns, but also drums. We play lanterns in the front, drums in the back, we came to our village temple, drums began to play, we play lanterns to see them play drums. 打灯笼很快就结束了。结束的时候还给我们发核桃和糖果。我今天打灯笼我很开心心。 The lanterns will soon be over. At the end of the day, we were given walnuts and candy. Im happy to play lantern today. 【元宵节打灯笼英语日记带翻译】相关文章: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 模板,内容仅供参考
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