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Unit 9Can you come to my party?类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题Talk about invitations:In this unit,students learn to make, accept and decline invitations and learn to talk about obligations.重点单词1.prepare(v.)2exam(n.)3flu(n.)4available(adj.)5until(conj.& prep.)6hang(v.)7catch(v.)8invite(v.)9accept(v.)10refuse(v.)11.weekday(n.)12invitation(n.)13reply(v.)14forward(v.& adv.)15delete(v.)16print(v.)17sad(adj.)18goodbye(interj.& n)19glad(adj.)20preparation(n.)21.glue(n.)22without(prep.)23surprised(adj.)24opening(n.)25concert(n.)26event(n.)27guest(n.)28calendar(n.)29daytime(n.)重点词组1.prepare for2have the flu3another time4catch you on Monday5hang out6.the day before yesterday7the day after tomorrow8look after9take a trip10look forward to11.turn down12be surprised13hear from sb.重点句式1.Can you come to my party on Saturday?Sure, Id love to./Sorry,I must study for a math test.2Can he go to the party?No,he cant.He has to help his parents.单元语法情态动词 can 表示邀请的用法学情分析学生的抽象思维能力较低,形象思维能力强,但注意力容易分散,本单元教学过程中可以对话表演、个人汇报、角色表演等形式展开,并配以适合年龄特点的课件展示,从而增强学生的兴趣和注意力。第一课时Section A (1a1c)类别课时要点重点单词1.exam(n.)考试2.prepare(v.)使做好准备3flu(n.)流感 重点词组4.prepare for为做准备 5.have the flu 得流感6have to 必须,不得不 7.go to see a/the doctor 去看医生重点句式8.Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? 周六下午你能来参加我的聚会吗?Sorry, I cant. 对不起,我不能来。9I have to prepare for an exam. 我得为考试做准备。自主学习案根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1She didnt go to school and stayed in bed because she had the flu2Can you come and help me with my English?3Can I meet my friend tomorrow, Mom?4I must go to see a doctor because I feel ill.5My mother prepares for breakfast for our family every morning.课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) Hello,class.We are learning Unit 9 today.But first look at this sentence:Can you come to my party? What does it mean?You are correct. It means “你能来参加我的聚会吗?”“Can” means “能,行”. You may answer like these: Yes,I can.I can come to the party./No. I cant.I have to do my homework. In these sentences both can and have to are model verbs. They are part of the predicates.Can you come to school? Yes, I can./No, I cant.I have to see a doctor.Can you get to school by bus? Yes, I can./No, I cant.I have to walk.Step 2呈现与输入 (Presentation)Please look at the picture on page 65. The boy in the middle is going to hold a party.Can everyone come to the party?Help my parents, prepare for an exam, meet my friends,have the flu, go to the doctor.Please read these expressions loudly. And match the words with the picture.Are you OK? Lets check the answers.Step 3练习与体验 (Practice) You are great ! As you see, there are some people in the picture.Do you know whos who?Now please listen to the conversation.Pay attention to Sun Nings words carefully.He says the names of each person he is inviting. When I play the recording for the first time,you just listen carefully. When I play the recording for the second time,please write the names of each person next to his or her picture. You have to complete the activity on your own.OK, lets go!Now lets talk as they do in the conversation.In other words, we are going to talk in imitation of the conversation we have just heard and read.Step 4运用与生成 (Production) Now please make your own dialogues in groups of four. Suppose you are the students in the picture. One of you is inviting the other three students to his party. The other students are saying if he can go or not.If you cant go, remember to give a reason.When you practice, please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.Ill offer vocabulary and pronunciation support if you need.Step 5巩固与提高(Progress)【探究点】Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? 你能在周六下午来参加我的聚会吗?Can you?句型是熟人和朋友之间常用的表达邀请或请求的用语。在表达语气委婉时,可用could。在邀请别人时,还可以用Would you like? What/How about? I hope you can接受邀请,可用Sure, Id like/love to./Of course./Certainly.等回答。拒绝邀请时,用Im sorry,I cant.或Id love to, but委婉地说明不能接受邀请的原因。【针对训练】你能来我家吃顿饭吗?当然,我很乐意。/对不起,我不能。我得照顾我妹妹。Can you come to my house for dinner?Sure, Id_love/like_to/ Sorry, I cant.I have to look after my sister.Step 6家庭作业(Homework) 完成本单元学生用书第一课时的练习。第二课时Section A (2a2d)类别课时要点重点单词1.available (adj.) 有空的;可获得的2.until(conj.& prep.)到时;直到为止3hang(v,)悬挂;垂下 4.catch(v.)及时赶上;接住;抓住重点词组5.go to the doctor 去看医生6.another time 其他时间;别的时间7hang out 常去某处;泡在某处 8.catch you on Monday 周一见重点句式9.Can he go to the party?他能来参加晚会吗?No, he cant.He has to help his parents.不,他不能,他得帮助他的父母。自主学习案根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。1Can you give me another(另一个) apple?2They will stay at home until(直到) the rain stops.3Ill hang(挂) the picture as high as I can.课堂导学案 Step 1准备与热身(Preparation) Review the conversation about invitation and acceptance and how to ref
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