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Teaching plan for Book5 Module 6 Animals in Danger Period 1 Introduction; Vocabulary and Listening; Function & Speaking 天津市滨海新区大港第一中学 刘继登 Teaching plan for Book5 Module 6 Animals in Danger Period 1 Introduction; Vocabulary and Listening; Function & Speaking 天津市滨海新区大港第一中学 刘继登 I. Analysis of the Teaching Material The topic of this module is one of the 4 modules talking about environmental problems. Such topics are related to the students daily life and therefore they are familiar with it. Via the study of this module, the students can learn more about animals and especially endangered animals, which is helpful to expose the students to the serious reality that many rare animals are on the way to die out. and can raise their awareness of rescuing wild animals and protecting natural environment. II. Analysis of the Students To begin with, the students in Senior 2 have a good command of environmental knowledge. They love animals and has a desire to protect endangered ones. In addition, My students are active in English classes and their listening and speaking abilities ensure them to talk about endangered animals and express their concern in English. III. Teaching aims: a. Knowledge and Skills: To help the students master words and expressions about the endangered animals. To improve the students listening ability-getting detailed information. To enable the students to talk about endangered animals and express their concern-describing the situations, analyzing the causes and offering solutions. b. Process and Strategies: To get the students involved in the activities to improve their skills of listening and speaking. To help the students to exchange information through group work. c. Feelings and Values: To raise the students awareness of protecting the endangered animals and to encourage them to do something they can for them. IV. Important points: To enable the students to talk about endangered animals and express their concern. V. Difficult points: To enable the students to talk about endangered animals and express their concern-. VI. Teaching and learning approaches: Task-based approach; Inquiry teaching method; etc. VII. Teaching aids: Multi-media. VIII. Teaching procedures: Steps Students Activities Teachers Activities Intentions Time Step1. Lead in Watch a video and describe what they learned from it. Play the video and ask the students to describe what they learned from it. 1. To lead in the topic. 2. To arouse the students interest . 3. To form an English spoken atmosphere. 3 Step2. Word Study (Introduction) 1. Make a list of endangered animals. 2. Read the passage on P51, underline and review the new words and fill in the blanks with them. (Enclosed in Appendices) 1. Ask the students to list endangered animals. 2. Offer some new words for the students to learn by reading and give the students a test on the new words. To teach the students the new words about talking about endangered animals. 7 Step3. Warming Up Discuss the following two topics in pairs: 1. Why are some animals becoming extinct or endangered? 2. What can people do to protect endangered animals? 1. Organize the discussion and offer help if necessary. 2. Collect the students ideas. 3. Offer some suggested ideas according to the two topics. To enable the students to talk about endangered animals, analyzing the causes and offering solutions. 8 Step4. Pre- listening Have a look at a map and try to predict: 1. What animal is the nature reserve in the map mainly for? 2. What other animals may also live there? Show the students a map of Tembe elephant reserve and help the students to make predictions. To get the students make a prediction of the interview they will listen to and be well prepared for the listening. 2 Step5. While-listening Listen to an interview and answer some questions. (Enclosed in Appendices) Play the MP3 of the interview and help the students to answer the questions. To improve the students listening ability-getting detailed information by listening. 7 Step6. Post-listening (Function & Speaking) Work in groups and make up an interview and a speech. 1. Interview: Supposing one of you in the group is a reporter from CCTV 9, interview a volunteer, a government official and a student to see what they have done or will do for endangered animals. 2. Speech: Standing for a species of endangered animals. Make a speech to tell people your situations and call on them to do something for you. 1. Divide the students into groups of four and organize the activity 2. Offer some useful expressions and some other help when necessary. 3. Choose some groups to perform their interviews and speeches. 1. To enable the students to talk about endangered animals and express their concern. 2. To teach the students to help each other by exchanging ideas through team work. 3. To arouse the students awareness of protecting animals. 15 Step7. Summary Design a
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