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Teaching Design Name Wang Shuangju School Shenyang No.21 Middle School Topic Book 1 Module 1 Grammar Teaching Aims 1. Let the Ss master the correct use of the Grammar of different kinds of tense. 2. Let the Ss master the Grammar well through exercises. 3. Let the Ss write a paragraph with the grammar in this lesson according to the situations. Important Points Help the Ss master the correct use of the Grammar. Difficult Points How to assist the Ss to master the Grammar well. Teaching Methods 1. Task-based teaching and learning. 2. Cooperative learning. 3. Discussion. Teaching Aids Multi-media. Teaching Procedures Teachers activities Students activities Purpose of design Step . Warming-up. Let Ss listen to some pieces of music to tell which tense does each piece contains. The Ss listen to the music and speak out the tense in each piece of music. Arise the Ssinterest to learnthis lesson. Step . Grammar. 1. Make a competition of concluding theGrammar. 1) Give the Ss some time to look at some terms on the paper. 2) Let Ss work in group to paste them in the correct place. 2. More examples. 1) Show some pictures to the Ss. Let Ss master the tense easier. 2) Let Ss describe the pictures first, later give the Ss an example. 3. More exercise. 1) Ask some Ss to fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs. The Ss work together to fill in the column. The Ss look at the pictures and try to describe them with the correct tense. The Ss finish the exercise, and checkthe answers with their partners. Improve the Ss ability of teamworkand test the Ss knowledge masteredbefore. Arouse the Ss interest to study the grammar, and master this lessoneasier. Let Ss master the tense better through the exercise. 2) After that, give the Ss some time to check the answers in groups. 3) Check the answers together, later choose two students to readthe dialogue. Two Ss read the dialogue. Improve the Ssintegrated skills. Step . Discussion. Give Ss three situations, and let Ss write a short paragraph with the fourkinds of tense reviewed in this lesson. The Ss discuss in groups. And then show their paragraphs. Let the Ss masterthe four kinds of tense practically. Step . Homework. 1. Make a conclusion of the Grammar we learnt today. 2. Finish Part 14 on P68. Blackboard Design Book 5 Module 1 Grammar-Review of Tense present simple tense do/ does . present continuous tense be doing (am/ is/ are) present perfect tense have/ has done. future tense will/ shall do be going to do. 复制文字已复制
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