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高考作文写作教学设计建议信安徽师范大学 陈山山一、 Analysis of teaching materials:This is a composition writing lesson concerning the learning of suggestion letter writing. There was given an assumptive setting that student Wang Hui, senior 2, want to write a suggestion letter to reflect the phenomena of graffiti and littering casually in school campus. And the writing requirements of contents are given already in three aspects: first, clarify the purposes of the letter writing. Second, make criticism of such behaviors and finally provide some suggestions to help solve the problem. Teacher will give the necessary prompts and assistance of vocabulary, sentence structure and genre introduction to students among the writing process.二、 Analysis of students:The most of senior high school students are interested in learning English and they are positive and confidence in accepting new knowledge. They have already learnt the simple writing genre like narrative and letter writing and so on in junior high school and they are capable of understanding verbal or written material and expressing their personal opinions briefly. Besides, most of students can conduct self-evaluation and peer feedback about their learning process and products under teacher s monitoring/supervision. However, they still need further learning of different types of applicative letter writing and expressing ideas more accurately and fluently.三、 Teaching objectives:1. Knowledge Objectives:1 Most of students are able to know the general pattern and structure of suggestion letter writing. 2 Students are able to grasp the related vocabulary and conventional expression of describing behaviors and making suggestion in a proper way.2. Skills Objectives:1 Most of students are able to describing the information and personal ideas with the visual and verbal aids like pictures and video. 2 Students are able to making sample comments on person s behaviors and events accurately and fluently. 3 Most of students can take participate in the group work to have a brainstorming discussion and conduct peer feedback during writing process.3. Moral objectives:Students are able to develop intrinsic motivation in learning English and enjoy the process in discussion and peer feedback and develop the collaboration among working with their partners.四、 Teaching key points and difficulties:1. Teaching Key PointsTo help students grasp the related vocabulary and conventional expression of describing behaviors and making suggestion in a proper way and the general pattern and structure of suggestion letter writing.2. Teaching Difficult Points1 To stimulate students already known knowledge in letter writing and describing the person s behaviors and events and inspire their ideas of writing with the prompts. 2 To model the letter writing with a sample and reconstructs the text and monitor their independent writing, self-feedback and peer feedback.五、 Teaching aids:Visual aids: pictures in setting the context andhand-out material: awriting sample in modeling and reconstructing the texts 六、 Teaching methods:(1 Text as discourse in text-oriented teaching and congnitivist of writer-oriented teaching, which focus on the writers and writing process.(2 Discussion in pair or in groups七、 Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Greeting and setting up the contextT:Hello, everyone. In this class we will learn how to write a suggestion letter and before we come to the topic, I would like to show u some pictures. Please tell me what your impression of it.Show some pictures about students behavior in school campus like graffiti and littering casually. The picture shown aims to draw students attention to the topic and sets up the scene in which vocabulary and opinions can brain storm in this process. Teacher will give the necessary explanation to some new words and phrases and put them down with the key words generated be the students on the blackboard, which aims to solve the obstacles of student s expression in latter writing.(Design purpose: set up the context by showing the pictures to provide background information and relate it with students schemata during which some related vocabulary and sentence can be brain stormed.Step 2 Brainstorming and outlineT: Suppose you are student Wang Hui, senior 2, want to write a suggestion letter to reflect the phenomena of graffiti and littering casually in school campus and promote the school environment. Now, please try to brain storm the possible contents that can be contained when you writing this suggestion letter and outline the text.Teacher can raise some provoking questions to help the students to carry out the brainstorming. Meanwhile, teacher can cycle around the class to provide the help for students to discuss their writing outlines and possible contents for each part.(Design purpose: assign the writing task and brainstorming the possible ideas and the outline can be the scaffoldings in their later writing a
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