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Unit 3Is this your pencil?,第六课时Self Check,一、单项选择。 1.Whats this? Its _ eraser,and thats _ ID card. Aa,anBa,a Can,an Dan,a 2_ this her ruler? Yes,it is.Its _ AIs,her BIs,hers CAre,her DAre,hers 3My notebook is _ Classroom 5E. AonBofCatDin,B,D,C,C,B,4Is this _ watch? No,_ isnt. Ayou,this Byour,this Cyour,it Dyou,it 5Ask the teacher _ your lost schoolbag. Aof Bfor Cto Din 6_ do you spell “ring”? RING. AHow BCan CWho DWhat 7This is Ann,and this ruler is _ Ahis Bmy Cyou Dhers,A,D,8Your schoolbag is nice. _ AThank you BYes CNo DOK 9Please call Jenny _ 2678950. Ain Bat Cunder Don 10Is this your watch? Yes._ AThank you BExcuse me CGood DThank,B,A,A,dictionary,二、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词完成句子。 11That is his _(字典) 12My _(教师)is Mr. Zhang. 13That isnt my computer _(游戏) 14The book isnt mine,its _(她的) 15We _(必须)help him. 16He is in _(教室)6B. 17Is this your _(笔记本)? 18_ (一些)books are Bobs. 19His ID card is in the school _(图书馆) 20I must _(找到) my notebook.,teacher,game,hers,must,Classroom,notebook,Some,library,find,yours,B)用所给单词的正确形式填空。 21This is a watch.Is it _(you)? 22My pen is blue._ (her)is yellow. 23Are those pencils _(he)? 24I lost a set of _(key) 25That schoolbag is _(Gina),Hers,his,keys,Ginas,his,三、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 26这是他的钢笔。我的是蓝色的。 This is _pen._ is blue. 27这支红色铅笔是你的吗? Is this _ _yours? 28请问,你是张磊吗? _ _,are you Zhang Lei? 29谢谢你的书。 _you _your book. 30你可以拨0213506找王艳。 You can _Wang Yan _0213506.,Mine,red,pencil,Excuse,me,Thank,for,call,at,四、完形填空。 Hello!My 31. _ is Tony Brown.This is my 32. _Its a green schoolbag.My ruler,dictionary and watch are 33. _ it.My ruler is red.My dictionary is 34. _ English dictionary.It is blue and red.35. _ is the watch?It is yellow.36. _ nice,isnt it?An ID card is in 37. _ schoolbag,too.It 38. _ my ID card.I 39. _ it in the morning.Its Bill Browns.His name is on it.I will(将会) 40. _ him.His telephone number is 1641580.,C,A,B,C,B,A,C,B,B,B,31A.pencilBeraserCname 32A.dictionary Bbook Cschoolbag 33A.in Bto Cat 34A.a Ban Cthe 35A.What BHow CWhat color 36A.Shes BIts CIm 37A.my Bhis Cyour 38A.is Bisnt Cnot 39A.spell Bfound Clost 40A.thank Bcall Cexcuse,五、阅读理解。 A Lost:My new(新的) bike. It is red. My name is Jimmy. Please call 67842190. Found:Is this your ring? Please call Betty. Call 89202311.,Lost:My baseball. I must find it. My name is Bruce. Please call 70852097. Found:Is this your schoolbag? Please call David. My phone number is 29120845.,41Who lost a bike?_ ABetty.BJimmy.CBruce. 42Is the ring Bettys?_ AYes,it is. BNo,it isnt. CYes,this is. 43What color is Jimmys new bike?_ AGreen. BWhite. CRed. 44You can call _ for the schoolbag. ADavid BJimmy CBruce 45What is Bruces phone number?_ A67842190. B89202311. C70852097.,B,B,C,A,C,B Alan is in Class Two,Grade Seven.He is 12.He is English.His English teacher is Mr.Smith.Mr.Smiths daughter is Helen.She is 13.Alan and Helen are good friends.They like English.This is Helens school ID card.Its number is A270789.Is that Alans school ID card?No.He cant find his school ID card.If you find it,please call Alan at 3462828.Thank you! 46Alan and Helen are _ Ain Class Seven Bin Grade Two Cfriends 47Alan is _ AChinese BEnglish Ca teacher,C,B,48Mr.Smith is _ AAlans father Ban English teacher CHelens friend 49Alan cant find _ Ahis school ID card BHelen Chis friend 50Alans _ number is 3462828. Aphone BQQ Cschool ID card,B,A,A,六、任务型阅读。 下面几个同学的东西不见了,你能根据他们的描述帮他们找到吗? 51Jane:My watch is pink. 52Lucy:My ring is white. 53Bob:My bag is lost.Its blue. 54John:My ID card is lost.My name is John Brown. 55Alice:My book,Harry Potter,is lost.,51_52._53._ 54_55._,D,B,C,E,A,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!,
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