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2015年中考英语补全对话涟源蓝田中学 黄俊丽专题内容1.题型研究 2.命题特点 3.命题趋势 4.解题策略 5.复习指导1.题型研究1)考查目的考查学生用英语语言进行实际交际的能力,考查学生是否能把平时学到的语言知识转化为语言技能,以及对英语的应对习惯。2)考试题型写句子补全对话。根据句子内容填入适当的句子,使对话意思完整通顺。要求填写五个句子,分值为10分。3)考查内容基于课本,以新课标中所列的日常生活话题为主。主要包括:问候、介绍、告别、感谢、道歉、邀请、请求允许、祝愿和祝贺、提供帮助、约会、打电话、就餐、就医、购物、问路、谈论天气、语言交际困难、提醒注意、劝告、建议等 20 个项目。2.命题特点(1)日常交际用语及其应答。问候、介绍、感谢、答谢、道歉、应答、建议、同意、祝愿等(2)具体情景语境题。购物、就餐、约会、就医、问路、旅游、打电话、提供帮助、谈论天气等(3) 综合设题。两人对话,在日常交际场景下,就某个具体语境话题,进行6-8组对话回合,完成一段对话。3. 命题趋势1) 命题形式两人在具体交际场合就特定话题对话。所设对话在6-8组回合。字数为60-80词.2)对话内容要求完成对话为日常交际用语,具体场景语境的固定问答对话。3)热点话题购物,就医,问路,就餐, 打电话,提建议等。4.解题策略(1)通读对话,搞清话题与功能,把握中心话题(2)确定每小题是Question, or Answer, or Response;(3)理清上下句关系,推测该填句子,写出符合语言表达习惯,符合逻辑,符合时态的句子;(4)复读对话,验证答案。检查前后是否连贯,有无语法、拼写、大小写错误。5.复习指导(1)日常交际用语问候:Good morning!/Good afternoon!/Good evening!/How are you? Fine, thank you. /How do you do? How do you do? /Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you ,too.感谢:Thank you./Thanks./Thanks a lot./Thank you very much.答谢:Youre welcome./Thats all right./Thats OK./Not at all./It doesnt matter.道歉:Sorry./Im sorry./Im sorry to.应答:I doesnt matter./Thats all right.建议:Youd better./Shall we do.?/What about doing.?/Why not do.?/Would you like to do.?同意:OK./Sure./All right./Yes,please./I think so./I agree with you.告别:See you tomorrow. See you./Good bye. Bye bye.祝福:Best wishes./Have a good time./Congratulations./Happy birthday.(2)熟记“问”字句型问天气How is the weather today? /What is the weather like today?问时间Whats the time?/What time is it?问职业Whats your father?/Whats your fathers job?/What does your father do?问价格How much is the book?/Whats the price of the book?问年龄How old are you?/Whats your age?问地址Where do you live?/Whats your address?问姓名Whats your name?/Can you tell me your name?情景语境题。问爱好Whats your hobby?/Which do you like best?/Which do you prefer?/Whats your favorite?问感受What do you think of the film?/How do you like the film?问数量How many people are there in your family?/How much water do you drink every day?问人口Whats the population of China?How many people are there in China?问路线Do you know the way to the station?/How can I get to the station?/Can you tell me the way to the station?问尺寸What size do you want?/What size is your sweater?问距离How far is your school from here?/How far away is your school from here?问日期Whats the date today?问星期What day is it today?问高度How hall are you?/Whats your hight?/How high is the mountain?问宽度How wide is the river?问长度How long is the bridge?问电话Whats your telephone number?/Can I know your telephone number?(3)具体情景语境题。(一)看病A:Good morning.B:Good morning. Whats wrong with you? A:I dont feel very well and Ive a headache. B:How long have you been like this?A:Ever since this morning.B:Maybe youve caught a cold. Have you taken your temperature? A:No, I havent. B:Can I take your temperature?A:OK.B:Oh, youve got a fever.A:Is it serious? B:Nothing serious. A:What should I do then?B:You can take some medicine and drink much water. A:How often should I take this medicine? B:You can take this medicine three times a day and youll be all right soon.A:Thank you, doctor. Ill do as you say. Bye!B:Bye!(二)打电话J-Jim M-Mrs Read J:Hello. Could I speak to Ann, please?M:Certainly. Hold on, please. Oh, Im afraid. She isnt here right now. J:Can I leave a message for her? M:Yes, please. But who is that? J:This is Jim speaking.M:Hello, Jim. Can I take a message for you? J:Yes. Could you ask her to call me? M:Sure! Whats your telephone number? J:My telephone number is 1234567. M:Ill give the message to her as soon as she comes back. J:Thank you. Good-bye! M:Bye! (三)购物A:Good morning. Can I help you? B:Yes, please. I want to buy a pair of shoes. Can you show me one? A:What size do you need?B:Size 38. A:How about those ones? B:I dont like this color. Have you got any other colors? A:Yes. How about this one? B:It looks nice. Can I try them on?A:Sure. B:Oh, its just right. Where is it made? A:Its made in Hong kong. Its very comfortable. B:How much are they? A:100 yuan. B:Its too expensive. I cant afford it. Have you got a cheaper one? A:Well. Im afraid its the cheapest one. B:OK. Ill take it. Here is the money. A:Thank you. Good-bye!B:Bye!(四)问路A:Excuse me. Where is the nearest post office, please? B: Sorry,I dont know. Youd better ask the policeman over there. He may know. A:Thank you all the same.B:Excuse me. Which is the way to the post office, please? C: Go down this street and take the first turning on the right. Go across the bridge and youll find the post office on the left. Its between the city library and the hospital. You cant miss it. A:How far is it from here? C:Its about 30 minutes walk. Youd better catch a bus. A:Which bus do I need? C:I think you need a number 16 bus. T
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