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新概念二 15-24课测试题一、根据首字母填空(每题1分,共10分)1.She was afraid she wouldnt be able to b_(忍受)the pain.6.Theres a lot of c_(竞争)between the bigsupermarkets.3.Its a big d_(决定).Go home and discuss it with your wife4.Dont let him s_(破坏,是索然无味)your evening.5.Much to his s_(吃惊)she gave him her phone number.6.Every chance is p_(珍贵的);dont squander(放走)any chance away!7.I didnt e_(期待)him to stay so long.8.Thank you for your warm w_(欢迎).9.He pushed his way through the c_(人群).10.I havent seen them r_(最近).二、用括号中动词适当形式填空(每空1分,共15分)11.Your teacher_(look)young though he is sixty years old.12.My aunt_(arrive)here to see me at the beginning of next month.13.Please hold on.He_(come).14.I_already_(see)the film.I _(see)it last week.15._he_(finish)his work today?Not yet.16._you_(be)to Hong Kong ?Yes,I_(be)there twice.17.Now Shanghai_(become)a large city.18.Grandpa_(mend)his clock when I reached home.19.As I_(walk)in the park,I saw some children playing games.20.-I call you yesterday evening,but there was no answer.-Oh.,Im sorry I_(have) dinner at my friends home.三、单项填空(每题1分,共10分)21.How are the team playingTheyre playing well,but one of them _hurt.A. got B.gets C.are D.were22._role she played in the film!No wonder she has won an Oscar.A.How interestingB.How an interestingC.What interestingD.What an interesting23.The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle._it was!A.What a dangerous sceneB.What dangerous a sceneC.How a dangerous sceneD.How dangerous the scene24.Can I help you,sirYes,I bought this radio here yesterday, but it_.A.didnt workB.wont workC.cant work D.doesnt work25.I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I_there several years ago.A.are going B.had been C.went D.have26.So far this year we_a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent.A.saw B.see C.had seen D.have seen27.They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to_.A.spare B.catch C.leave D.make28.He suddenly saw Sue_the room.He pushed his way_the crowd of people to get to her.A.across,across B.over,through C.over,into D.across,through29.I think he is taking an active part in social work.I agree with you_.A.in a way B.on the way C.by the way D.in the way30.As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain,the visit to the village_scenes of my childhood.A.called up B.called for C.called on D.called in四、根据提示翻译下列句子(每题2分,共20分)31.这是我听过的最滑稽的笑话。(funny, joke)_32.这个饭馆没有那个饭馆那么贵。(restaurant, expensive)_33.为报答她的好意,他送给她几朵玫瑰花。(rose,kindness)_34.这事我倒立着都能做,尽管我不会去这么做。(although)_35.我能再来一个吗?(another)_36.他的建议应该引起我们的注意。(suggestion,deserve)_37.这份奖是你应得的。(price,deserve)_38.什么都没有改变。(nothing)_39.我能为你做点什么吗?(anything)_40.他进来的时候我正在看电视。(come in)_八、完形填空(每题1分,共15分)Mr Chen is a farmer who 66 in western China with his wife and two sons.One year ago,he discovered that he had cancer.The doctor told him that he needed 67 at once.And he said the operation would 68 thousands of Yuan.It was too much money for Mr Chen and his wife.They had no job and 69 were at school.The situation seemed 70 .Two weeks later,however,Mr Chen got some 71 news.He was told about a health care project which provides medical treatment for poor patients in 72 China.They 73 to pay only half the cost or even less.Thanks to the project and the kindness of 74 family and neighbours,he was able to receive an operation just 75 to prevent the illness from getting worse.76 he has returned to his family.The 77 of this health care project is to improve the situation for poor people in western China. So far,the project has helped more than 5,000 people 78 medical aid.The Chinese government is 79 working together with other countries and international organizations to do this. They hope to develop a new health care model 80 China.As our country develops,we must remember the responsibilities(责任)of caring for the weakest members.66.A.live B.lives C.are living D.lived67.A.a treatment B.a rest C.an operation D.training68.A.pay B.spend C.have D.cost69.A.both their sons B.both their daughters C.all their sons D.all their daughters70.A.hopeful B.hopeless C.harmful D.harmless71.A.sad B.bad C.terrible D.good72.A.eastern B.southern C.western D.northern73.A.want B.need C.prefer D.like74.A.my B.your C.his D.her75.A.in time
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