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谢丹琳,复 习 课现在进行时,过去进行时一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时的基本结构:,be + (现在分词)V-ing,现在进行时表示现在或现阶段正在进行或发生的 动作,常和now,listen,look等词连用。,现在进行时,(The Present Continuous Tense),be随人称变为 is, am, are,I am speaking. They are talking. He is running.,I speak they talk he run,I am not speaking. They are not talking. He is not running.,Am I speaking?,Are they talking?,Is he running?,根据给出的词语用现在进行时说句子。,现在分词( V-ing形式)的构成,注意小故事中的重读闭音节动词,要双写尾字母才加ing。,A Morning of Tom Tom is getting up. He is putting his clothes on. He is running,then he is sitting down and cutting cake for his breakfast. He is beginning to go shopping,then he is planning to go swimming. Suddenly,a problem is stopping him. “Oh,” He said, “Kidding!I am forgetting that today is Monday!”,Guess: What are they doing?,Lets play a game:,Who is the guessing champion?,They are dancing.,What are they doing now?,What is the cat doing?,It is eating.,They are watching TV.,What are they doing?,What is the bear doing?,It is cooking.,What is the man doing now?,He is drawing.,What is the woman doing now?,She is drinking.,What is the boy doing now?,He is playing football.,What is the man doing now?,He is playing computer.,过去进行时(The Past Continuous Tense),过去进行时的基本结构:,表示过去某一时刻或某一时段正在进行或发生的动作, 常与 at ten last night, at this time yesterday, at that moment 等表示过去时间点的状语连用.,was were+ (现在分词)V-ing,You were swimming. He was drinking. I was reading.,you swim he drink I read,You werent swimming. He wasnt drinking. I wasnt reading.,Were you swimming? Was he drinking? Was I reading?,根据给出的词语用过去进行时说句子。,配音小游戏,看对话,选择喜欢的角色配音,注意人物的感情色彩,一般现在时常和often、 always、sometimes等频率副词连用,时间状语通常为on Saturdays、 every day等 。 1. 一般现在时表示经常的或习惯性的动作。 例: We often work late like that.,2.表示主语的状态,性格,特征和能力等 。 例: She isnt here today.,一般现在时(The Simple Present Tense),动词第三人称单数的构成,构成规则,例词,1、一般在动词原形末尾加 s look looks play plays 2、以ch,sh,s,x或o结尾的 go goes 动词,在后面加es watch watches,3、以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词, study studies 先变“y”为“i”再加es carry carries,2、表示过去存在的状态。,My wife went to Seattle yesterday.,一般过去时(The Simple Past Tense),1.表示过去某个时间发生的动作。,一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语或从句连用,如:yesterday, last week,in 1993, two days ago, 等。,There were ten of us here last night.,规则动词过去式的构成,构成规则,例词,1、一般在动词原形末尾加 ed look looked play played 2、结尾是 e 的动词只加 - d live lived hope hoped 3、以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词, study studied 先变“y”为“i”再加ed carry carried,4、重读闭音节要双写结尾 stop stopped 的辅音字母再加ed plan planned,以be动词为例按要求完成下列表格,was,is,isnt,Is,wasnt,Was,were,werent,arent,are,Are,Were,以行为动词work为例按要求完成下列表格,works,worked,doesnt,work,work,didnt,Does,work,work,Did,work,worked,work,work,didnt,dont,work,work,Did,Do,选图,根据时间状语和提示用一般过去时或一般现在时造句.,What did/do they do?,Lucy , early last night,Mom , every day,Jim , zoo, last Sunday,Tom , homework ,every day,shopping,Sam ,every morning,Titanic 泰坦尼克号,Bird, just now,David ,every week,reading,Bill,TV,yesterday,Jack ,often ,two years ago,now,past,future,past,now,future,过去进行时,现在进行时,一般过去时,past,now,future,一般现在时,past,now,future,穿越时空隧道 请一个同学站在四个时态区域的某一个当中做动作,其他同学根据时态口头说句子.,过去进行时,一般过去时,现在进行时,一般现在时,例:It is dancing.,例:It danced.,例:It dances.,例:It was dancing.,think,fly a kite,skate,draw,Group work,四个学生为一小组,每人运用以下这四 个不同的时态描述同一个动作,尽可能加 上相应的时间状语。,过去进行时,一般过去时, 现在进行时,一般现在时,例: student A :I am walking now. student B :He was walking (at that time). student C :He walks(every day). student D :He walked (last night).,订正以下划横线部分的错误: 1.I goes to school at six every day. 2.He dont like playing football. 3.They likes playing games. 4. Does he usually has a party ? 5. Lily has lunch at school last week. 6. What was he talk about?,( go ),( doesnt ),( like ),( have ),( had),( talking ),句型转换: 1.They are cleaning the house.(一般疑问句) 2. They go there every week. (主语改为she) 3.They sing every day.( every day改 last night) 4.He swam yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) 5.Tom was singing.(改为否定句),Are they cleaning the house?,Tom was not singing.,They sang last night.,Did he swim yesterday?,She goes there every week.,
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