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掌握英语从听开始,海量免费英语学习资料尽在普特英语听力网 www.putclub.com最新口译材料整理之外交部例行记者会(一)2014.10.302014.11.03口译材料:外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会(2014 年 10 月 30 日)Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Leis Regular Press Conference on October 30, 20142014 年 10 月 30 日外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会Q: The agreement between Canadas Toronto District School Board and Chinas Confucius Institute has been terminated. What is Chinas comment on the termination?问:据报道,加拿大多伦多市教育局决定终止与中方合作开办孔子学院,中方对此有何评论?A: I am not aware of the specifics. However, I would like to point out that the Confucius Institute is designed to help foreigners learn Chinese, understand Chinese culture, enhance mutual understanding and deepen friendship between China and other countries. This cause follows the trend that the world hopes to know more about China and China is going global, thus it is full of vitality. 答:我不了解具体情况。但是我要指出,孔子学院旨在帮助外国人学习汉语,了解中华文化,推进中国与各国之间的相互了解,增进友谊。这一事业顺应了世界希望了解中国、中国走向世界的潮流,是具有生命力的。Q: At the upcoming talks between President Xi and US President Obama in November, will the topic of counter-terrorism cooperation be raised during their talks? Is China willing to help the US combat illicit transactions made by the Islamic State? How will China call on the US to assist China with its counter-terrorism efforts domestically?问:习近平主席和美国总统奥巴马 11 月会晤时,是否会谈及反恐合作?中方是否愿意帮助美国打击“伊斯兰国”所从事的非法交易?中方希望美方如何协助中国打击国内恐怖势力?A: China is looking forward to President Obamas participation in the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting and his visit to China. During the visit, President Xi and President Obama will have an in-depth exchange of views on advancing the building of a new type of major country relations between China and the US as well as on international and regional issues of common interest, covering not only bilateral practical cooperation on business and trade and people-to-people exchanges, but also a series of international cooperation both sides are engaged in, like jointly facing up to the Ebola epidemic, the threat of terrorism and climate change. We hope this visit can further enhance our mutual strategic trust, reduce strategic suspicion, deepen strategic cooperation, and deepen the building of a new type of major country relations between China and the US.掌握英语从听开始,海量免费英语学习资料尽在普特英语听力网 www.putclub.com答:中方欢迎奥巴马总统出席亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议并访华。访问期间,习近平主席将和奥巴马总统就深化中美新型大国关系建设及双方共同关心的国际和地区问题深入交换意见。这不仅包括双边经贸等务实合作和人文交流等内容,也包括一系列双方在国际上开展的合作,如共同应对埃博拉疫情、恐怖主义威胁、气候变化等。我们希望通过这次访问,双方能够进一步加强战略互信,减少战略疑虑,增进战略合作,推动中美新型大国关系深入发展。As for counter-terrorism, Chinas position is quite clear. We oppose all forms of terrorism, and stand ready to cooperate with the international community to fight against it. In the global fight against terrorism, the UN and the UN Security Council should be allowed to play their due roles, the purposes and principles of the UN Charter should be obeyed, and the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of relevant countries should be respected. Meanwhile, we should address both the symptoms and the root causes of terrorism, discard double standards, and avoid linking terrorism with certain ethnic groups. On the basis of honoring the principle of mutual respect and equal-footed cooperation, we are willing to intensify our counter-terrorism exchanges and cooperation with the international community, including the US. Combating the terrorist forces of East Turkistan Islamic Movement is an important component of the global fight against terrorism on which we count on the support and collaboration of the international community.关于反恐问题,中方的立场是非常清楚的。我们反对一切形式的恐怖主义,愿意与国际社会开展合作打击恐怖主义。国际反恐合作应该发挥联合国及其安理会的作用,应该遵守联合国宪章的宗旨和原则,应该尊重有关国家的主权、独立和领土完整。同时,打击恐怖主义应该标本兼治,不应该搞双重标准,与特定的民族挂钩。我们愿本着相互尊重、平等合作的原则,与美国加强反恐交流合作。打击“”恐怖势力是国际反恐斗争的重要组成部分,我们希望得到国际社会的支持和配合。(by:Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peoples Republic of China)Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Leis Regular Press Conference on October 31, 2014外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会(2014 年 10 月 31 日)First of all, I would like to give you an update on the opening ceremony of the 4th Foreign Ministers Meeting of the Istanbul Process on Afghanistan. Premier Li Keqiang and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani attended and addressed the opening ceremony that was held this morning. Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that moving forward the Istanbul Process is conducive to the early settlement of the Afghan issue and the realization of regional security and prosperity. Premier Li Keqiang said that a united, stable, developing and amicable Afghanistan meets the aspirations of the Afghan people and serves the common interests of regional countries and the international community. It is the unshirkable responsibility of regional countries and the international community to support Afghanistans peaceful reconstruction and push for an early resolution of the Afghan issue.我首先向大家介绍第四次阿富汗问题伊斯坦布尔进程外长会开幕式有关情况。今天上午,李克强总理和阿富汗总统加尼共同出席开幕式并致辞。李克强总理表示,推动伊斯坦布尔掌握英语从听开始,海量免费英语学习资料尽在普特英语听力网 www.putclub.com进程向前发展,有利于促进阿富汗问题早日解决,实现地区安全与繁荣。李克强总理指出,一个团结、稳定、发展、友善的阿富汗,既是阿富汗人民的期待,也符合地区国家和国际社
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