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Lesson18 Electriccurrentsinmodern art 现代艺术的电流,current,形容词1.通用的,流行的。2.现在的,现时的,当时的。3.流畅的;草写的。 the current price 市价。 current news 时事。 current expenses 日常费用。 the current issue number (杂志的)本期。,the current week 本星期。 the current year 今年。 current account 往来存款账; current English 现代通行英语,日常英语。 current handwriting 草书。 current money 通行货币。 current rate 现价,成交价。 current thoughts 现时代思潮。,名词1.水流;气流;电流。2.思潮,潮流;趋势,倾向。3.进行,过程。 a cold current 寒流。 the Japan current 日本海流,黑潮。 the great current of events 天下大势。 an alternating a direct current 【电学】交直流电。 current of air 气流。 current of time the times 时势,时代潮流 (go swim with against the current of the times 顺应违反时势)。,current adj.目前的, 现在的(- currentaffairs 时事) currently adv.普遍地, 通常地, 现在, 当前 currency n.流通, 货币,clay sculptures 泥塑(像)。 a sculptured pillar 雕花柱。sculptural adj.雕塑的, 雕刻般的 sculptor n.雕刻家 sculpt v.雕刻, 造型,mistaken adj. 弄错的,误解的 incorrect; wrong; misunderstood,You are mistaken. 你(弄)错了。 mistaken identity 认错人。 Theteacherhasmistakenopinionofhispupil. Hedoesntusesimpleplainlanguageandheisoftenmistaken.,Mistake n.错误, 过失,- makeamistake 犯错 - bymistake 弄错了 - Hetookmyumbrellabymistake. 他错拿了我的伞。 - andnomistake 确实如此 - Heishonestandnomistake. 他这个人确实很诚实。,Mistake vt.把.误认为, 弄错, 误解 - mistakesb for 把某人误认为 YesterdayImistookhimformyclassmate.,gallery,1.看台,旁听席,(教堂、议院等的)边座,楼座;(剧场中票价最低的)廉价座,顶层楼座。2.观众,听众。3.回廊,走廊;阳台;游廊;穿廊。4.美术馆,美术品陈列室;画廊;集合词展出中的收存中的美术品。,the distinguished guests gallery贵宾席。 the press gallery记者席。 the public gallery旁听席。 the National G- (伦敦的)国家美术馆。 bring down the gallery 博得满场喝彩。 play to the gallery 讨好观众的表演,迎合低级趣味。,Exhibit n.展品, 陈列品(= something that showinpublic) Exhibition n.展览会 - Wewenttoanexhibitiontovisitexhibits. fair (国际)博览会,oddly,odd adj.古怪的(因为少见而奇怪) strange adj.陌生的, 奇怪的(因为陌生而奇怪) queer adj.奇特的(因为不同于其它的而奇怪) - Look, heiswearingaqueerhat. Fantastic adj.奇妙的 Eccentric adj.怪癖的(- Heisaneccentricperson.),attach,attach vt.系、拴、粘上、贴上(- attachto) - Heattachedthelambtoatree. Attachtosb forsth 因为某事而把加再某人身上 - Wedidntattachblametohimforhisfailure. 我们没有因为他的失败而责备他。 attachimportancetosth 对某事非常重视 - Weattachimportancetoeducation. beattachedtosth 喜欢, 喜爱 - Imveryattachedtoher. attachment n.附属物, 固定物, 爱慕, 友情,attach a wire to a radio 给收音机接线。 No blame is attached to his act. 他的行为无可非议。 The tourist attached labels to all his bags. 旅游者把他的行李都系上标签。 The hospital is attached to that university. 这医院附属于那所大学。,sphere,the geometry of spheres 球面几何学。 a sphere of influence 势力范围。 I take up a second foreign language to widen my sphere of knowledge. 我选修一种第二外语来扩大我的知识面。 be beyond out of ones sphere 在本人的(某种)范围外,越分。 be in ones sphere 在本人的(某种)范围内,不越分。 remain in ones proper sphere 守本分,安分守己。,magnetize v.使磁化, 吸引,- Theironwasmagnetized. - Hisspeechmagnetizedthelisteners.,Repel v.排斥, 使厌恶(= todriveback, causefeelingsofdislike),Thedifferentsexesattracteachotherandthesamesexesrepelonthecontrary. 同性向吸, 异性相斥。 - Letmegoatonce, yourepelme. 让我走, 你真让我恶心。,Water repels oil. 水排斥油。 A study which repels you is invaluable. 使你望而生畏的研究倒是大有用处的。 Repellent adj.,Flicker flash,a flash of hope 一线希望。 flash of lightning 闪电。 flash of merriment 刹那的欢乐。 flash of wit 灵机一动,突然出现的机智。 a flash in the pan 空枪;昙花一现(的人)。 in a flash 即刻,一刹那间。 flicker v. shine unsteadilyflash v. shine for a moment,Emit -tt- emission,emit v.放射(= giveoff) emitsound / emitsmell / emitlight / emitheat / emitsmoke,peculiar adj.奇异的(= electric strangeandunusual,- Thefoodhaspeculiartaste. 这食物有一种奇特的味道。 - Imfeelingratherpeculiar. = I am felling ill. Language is peculiar to mankind. 语言是人类所特有的。 expressions peculiar to English 英语特有的词语。,Shock v.令人震惊,刺激人,- getshocked 受震动 - Atthenews,hegotshocked. Shock n.震惊(- getabigshock) the shock of arms give a terrible shock to sb. 使人非常震惊; electric shock 电振荡;电震,触电。,emotionally adv.事情上,emotional adj.易激动的, 情绪的, 感情脆弱的(反义词:unemotional) - Ithinkyouagreewithme, womenareoftensaidtobemoreemotionalthan men. emotive adj.使感动的, 感情的, 动感情的 - Thewordhomeismoreemotivethanhouse. emotion n.(抽象的)感情 -Love, hated, andgriefareemotions.(grief n.悲痛, 悲伤) feeling n.某时的内心感受 - Icantdescribemyfeelingnow.,Text,Modernsculpturerarelysurprisesusanymore. Rarely = seldom Theideathatmodernartcanonlybeseeninmuseumsismistaken. that引导同位语从句, 修饰限定theidea的内容。 - TheideathatonecanlearnEnglishwellin English-speakingcountriesismistaken.,Apposition Clause 同位语从句,The belief that an illness made his head change size led him to go to see a doctor. Chef Fan, What is apposition?,They all like the film. Tom was looking for a house, one with a garden., What is apposition clause? 即从句在句中作名词(通常是主语或宾语)的 同位语,是对前面这个名词的解释、说明,Apposition Clause 同位语从句,同位语从句的引导词:that,wh-和how等。 先行词:idea, fact, news, hope, belief, suggestion, proposal, word, thought, doubt, truth, possibility, promise, order, information, message, decision, answer, rumor, feeling等。,Practice 1. Some said it would snow in July. This made him laugh. (The idea that) 2. There would be a party on Saturday. This made Tom very excited. (The news that),同位语从句与定语从句,一、定语从句是形容词从句,其作用相当于一个形容词,是用来修饰前面的名词或代词的;同位语从句是名词从句,其作用相当于一个名词,是对前面的名词作进一步解释的。 1. We heard the news
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