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广东省深圳市龙华区2021-2021学年五年级上学期英语期中考试试卷一、请在句子中找出一个含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词(共5小题,每小题1分)1. (2019五上龙华期中)找出含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词:flew _Hundredsof butterflies in the park.2. (2019五上龙华期中)找出含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词:more _Hollyand I havent picked fruit before.3. (2019五上龙华期中)找出含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词:sprouts _Mum spent an hour to make a plate of spring rolls.4. (2019五上龙华期中)找出含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词:noodles _Theyare good students.5. (2019五上龙华期中)找出含有与例词划线部分相同发音的单词:message _Sally and Tony are the same age.二、选词填空。(共5小题,每小题1分)6. (2019五上龙华期中)选词填空 Doctor ride horses fruit and vegetables Making candles going fishing(1)_wastoo boring for me.(2)What do you like doing at your weekend?I like _. We alllike eating fish.(3)We should eat enough_.(4)How often do you_?(5)Whats your job? Iam a_.三、看图,完成句子(共6小题,每小题2分)7. (2019五上龙华期中)Tom: _do you do?UncleTony: I am an astronaut. I _inspace and do experiments 8. (2019五上龙华期中)Dora: _do you like playing thepiano?Lily:I like playing the piano because I _music. 9. (2019五上龙华期中)James: _ you ridden on an elephant before?Ray:No, I havent _on an elephant before. 四、单项选择。(共6题,每题1分)10. (2019五上龙华期中)Holly and I _ horses before.A . hasnt riddenB . ridingC . havent ridden11. (2019五上龙华期中)What do you like doing at your weekend? I like _.A . climb wallsB . climbs wallsC . climbing walls12. (2019五上龙华期中)How often do you check your e-mail? I check my e-mail _.A . once a weekB . one a weekC . third13. (2019五上龙华期中)Why do you like your job? I like my job because it is _.A . boringB . tiringC . exciting14. (2019五上龙华期中)_ do you work? I work in a shoe shop.A . WhatB . WhereC . How15. (2019五上龙华期中)Snails are _ in protein and _ in fat.A . low, highB . high, lowC . lower, higher五、连词成句,注意标点符号和大小写。(共5题,每题1分)16. (2019五上龙华期中)should fewer eat we snacks (.)(连词成句)17. (2019五上龙华期中)times three month a I checke-mails my (.)(连词成句)18. (2019五上龙华期中)interesting likes hisjob he isit because (.)(连词成句)19. (2019五上龙华期中)birthday I havewill party weeknext a (.)(连词成句)20. (2019五上龙华期中)made hasshe not candlesbefore (.)(连词成句)六、补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分)21. (2019五上龙华期中)补全对话 A. She works in a supermarket. B. Yes, he likes eating spaghetti. C. What food does your father like? D.I like Dim Sum. E. We need rice, fish and seaweed.A:What food do you like?B:_A:What do we need to make Sushi?B:_A:_B:He likes spaghetti.A:Does your father often make spaghetti at home?B:_A:Where does your mother work?B:_七、阅读理解(20分)22. (2019五上龙华期中)根据短文内容判断正误 There are many jobs we can do. Cindy and I want to help people find the right size clothes. We can be shop assistant. Ivan and Chris want to look after sick people .They can be doctors or nurse. Gary and Emma want to work on stge. They can be actors or singers. My father is a policeman. He catches thieves. He is very strong. My mother is a boss. She has a big company .She is always very busy.(1)Cindy wants to be a doctor or a nurse.(2)Chris wants to be a shop assistant.(3)Gary wants to work on a farm.(4)Emma wants to work on stage.(5)My father is a policeman.(6)My father is very weak.(7)My mother is very free.23. (2019五上龙华期中)阅读理解SaveOur PlanetSave electricity Dont leave the TV on standby(待机) . Switch off all the lights when the room isempty. Tum up the air-conditioning by a couple ofdegrees. You dont need to live in a fridge.Pollution Dont drop litter. Clean up your own mess,whether you are in town or out for a walk in the countryside. Birds and animalseat your leftovers (残余食物) and this can be veryharmful (有害的) to them. Litter can also pollute riversand the sea and can poison (毒死) the fish. Use public transport. Ride a bike or walk.Get your Mum and Dad out of their cars. They waste energy and pollute the air. Encourage your parents to buy eco-friendly( 环保型的) cleaning products which use fewerharmful chemicals (化学物品) . Despite (尽管) the high price, they are well worth the extra money you spend moreto save the environment!Water Tum the tap off when you brush your teeth.We brush our teeth at least twice a day and each time we can waste 2-3 litersof water! Dont overfill the kettle. Put in just theamount you need. You will also save electricity!(1)In line 4, You dont need to live in a fridge means there is no need to .A . make the room too coldB . make the room too warmC . tum on the air-conditionerD . turn off the air-conditioner(2)In line 12, what does they refer to?A . your parentsB . harmful chemicalsC . eco-friendly cleaning productsD . extra money(3)When you boil water, you should to save water.A . fill the kettle with more water than you needB . fill the kettle with just the amount of water you ne
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