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,人 教 PEP 版 英 语 三 年 级 上 册,Read and do.,Clap your hands.,Stamp your feet.,Wave your hands.,Drink some water.,Eat some bread.,Im hungry.,Lets go to the restaurant.,Can I have some water, please?,Can I have some cake, please?,Can I have some rice, please?,Can I have some rice, please?,Read it.,What would Sarah like to have?,Listen to the tape and answer.,Shed like some water.,Can I have some water, please?,Here you are.,Listen to the tape and follow.,Can I have some water, please?,Here you are.,Practice in pair.,Can I have some juice, please?,Here you are.,Practice in pair.,Can I have some milk, please?,Here you are.,Practice in pair.,Can I have some fish, please?,Here you are.,Practice in pair.,Can I have some rice, please?,Here you are.,Practice in pair.,Drink some water.,Eat some fish.,Eat some rice.,Cut some cake.,Watch and follow.,Whats missing?,(迅速读出消失的词组,比如吃蛋糕图片消失时,迅速读出Eat some cake.),Lets chant.,Water, water, water, drink some water. Fish, fish, fish, eat some fish. Rice, rice, rice, eat some rice. Cake, cake, cake, cut the cake.,( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. Eat some rice. B. Cut the cake. C. Drink some water. D. Eat the fish.,B,A,D,C,一、看图选句子。,1. I have some can water please (, ) (?) _ 2. I like would some bread please (, ) (.) _ 3. some have bread (. ) _, , ?, , ., .,二、连词成句。,七彩课堂 伴你成长,1. 学习了下列单词:water, cake, fish, rice。 2. 学习了下列句型: Can I have some ? Here you are. 3. 练习了下列指令: Eat some . /Drink some /Cut the ,七彩课堂 伴你成长,画一幅画,标上英语。,完成同步练习。,one,two,
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