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,Lets checkStory time,Unit 3 My weekend plan,人教PEP版英语六年级上册,Part B & Part C,Review some words.,visit film see the film trip take a trip supermarket eveningtonighttomorrow next weekdictionarycomic comic book word postcard,Sing a song: What are you going to do?,How many sentences can you make?,going to / going,do,What Where When,am is are,I you we they he/she,What ?,When ?,Where ?,going to / going,How many sentences can you make?,do,What Where When,am is are,I you we they he/she,What are you going to do?,When are you going?,Where are you going?,What is she going to do?,When is she going ?,Where is she going?,一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常发生的动作或状态。常常和表示将来的时间状语连用。如:tomorrow(明天),next week(下周 );this afternoon(今天下午)等。,What are/is . going to do tomorrow? Im . /He/She is going to .,Where are/is . going next week? Im . /He/She is going to .,When are/is . going? Im going . /He/She is going .,Listen and tick.,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,John is going to tomorrow afternoon. This evening the boy is going to . The boy is . The woman is going to .,see a film,read a comic book,going to the bookstore,buy a postcard,3. Boy: Im going to the bookstore to buy a new dictionary. Girl: Oh. When are you going? Boy: This afternoon. The bookstore isnt open this evening. Q: Where is the boy going?,听力原文:,1. Boy: Hi, John. What are you going to do tomorrow? John: Not much. Im just going to do my homework and buy a postcard tomorrow morning. And you? Boy: Im going to see a film tomorrow afternoon. John: Great! Can I go too? Q: What is John going to do tomorrow morning?,2. Boy: Amy, did you see my new comic book? Im going to read it this evening. Amy: Oh. It looks good. Can I read it after you? Boy: Yes. I can give it to you tomorrow. Amy: OK. Thanks. Q: What is the boy going to do this evening?,4. Man: Im going to buy some milk and a newspaper. Woman: Where are you going to buy them? Man: Im going to buy them at the small shop near the post office. Woman: Really? Im going to buy a postcard there. Can I go with you? Man: Sure. Lets go together. Q: What is the woman going to buy?,Can you swim?,How did you learn to swim?,Can Zoom swim? What will happen? Lets watch the video.,Watch the video again and answer the questions.,How does Zoom learn to swim first?,Where do they go later?,Watch TV.,Swimming pool.,Can Zoom swim at last? Why?,Yes. Learn by doing.,Read after the tape.,1. Zip: What are you going to do tomorrow? Zoom: Im going to learn how to swim. Zip: OK. Ill teach you.,2. Zoom: Please dont disturb me. Im learning to swim. Zip: How can you learn to swim without going to a pool?,3. Zip: Come on. Lets go to the swimming pool. Zoom: No! Im afraid of water.,4. Zip: Just jump in! Catch this. Practise and you will learn. Zoom: Help! Help!,5. Zip: Just try. This way This way OK, now can you do it?,6. Zoom: Oh, its easy. Zip: We should always remember: “Learn by doing.”,一、根据汉语提示完成句子。,1. My brother wants to buy a _ _.,2. Lets send some _ to our teachers.,3. Im going to _ _ _ this afternoon.,comic book,postcards,visit my grandparents,( )1. _ is Mike going to the park? Tomorrow. A. Where B. What C. When ( )2. Zhang and I _ going to see a film together. A. am B. is C. are ( )3. Im going to learn _. A. how to swim B. how swimming C. swim ( )4. Im going to _ some beautiful leaves. A. look at B. look for C. look,C,C,A,二、单项选择。,B,三、问答对对碰。,What are you going to do? A. She is going to the bookstore. 2. Where is she going? B. Yes, please. 3. Can I help you? C. Next Friday. 4. When are you going? D. She is going to buy some mooncakes. 5. What is Ann going to buy? E. Im going to take a trip.,栏 栏,七彩课堂 伴你成长,1.复习了下列词汇: visit, film, trip, supermarket, evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week, dictionary, comic book, postcard, word book 2.复习了下列句子: What are you going to do in your lesson? Where are you going? When are you going? I have to do my homework now. Why not go on Tuesday?,七彩课堂 伴你成长,介绍自己学习游泳的经验,用英语表达给自己的同伴听。,one,two,用将来时造五个句子。,完成同步练习。,
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