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,人 教 PEP 版 英 语 三 年 级 上 册,One little, two little, three little candles, Four little, five little, six little candles, Seven little, eight little, nine little candles, Ten little candles dancing.,Lets sing,Ten little candles,one,two,five,three,plate,three,four,Who is the fastest?,Find the numbers.,five,four,two,six,three,eight,seven,one,How many dogs?,How many mice?,How many pigs?,How many bears?,How many cats?,How many children?,Im six years old.,How old are they?,Im six years old.,How old are you?,Ask and answer,Im seven years old.,How old are you?,Im eight years old.,How old are you?,Im nine years old.,How old are you?,Im ten years old.,How old are you?,seven,five,ten,six,one,nine,ten,four,算一算,1 one,3 three,5 five,7 seven,?,9 nine,?,找规律,2 two,4 four,6 six,8 eight,?,10 ten,?,Show me six.,Show me seven.,Show me eight.,Show me nine.,Show me ten.,Watch and follow.,I do you say,两人一组,一方比划出数字,另一方说出英文单词。,Show me one and two.,I say you do,Show me three and four.,Show me seven and eight.,Show me nine and ten.,_ _ _ _ _ _,一、数一数,写出数字单词。,two,five,eight,seven,ten,six,1. one + two = _ 2. four + four = _ 3. ten one = _ 4. two + five = _,二、算一算,写出正确的数字单词。,three,eight,nine,seven,七彩课堂 伴你成长,1.学习了下列单词:six, seven, eight, nine, ten。 2.学习了表达年龄的句型: Im year/years old. 3.学习的指令:Show me ,七彩课堂 伴你成长,和同伴一起做Lets do。,one,two,完成同步练习。,
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