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,人 教 PEP 版 英 语 四 年 级 上 册,Lets say the words.,brainstorm,dog,duck,cake,apple,pencil,face,ant,bed,nose,Coke,cute,One cute cat uses two, two balls. Two cute cats use three, three balls. Three cute cats use four, four balls. Four cute cats use five, five balls. Five cute cats use six, six balls. One, two, three, four, five, six, Five cute cats playing tricks.,Say the chant,cute,We like the cat! Its cute. Its cute. Hes got a cake and a cup of milk. A rose on the cake! Its red. Its red. Cut the cake. Give me the cake. He likes cake. We like it, too!,Listen and chant.,Do you remember these words?,cake,date,hate,/ei/,a-e,cat,dad,hat,a,fine,nice,ice,/ai/,i-e,big,six,pig,i,i,o,/u/,o-e,use,cute,tube,excuse,mule,u-e,/ju:/,fun,cut,bus,mum,u,v,red,bed,pencil,get,-e-,we,be,me,she,he,-e,i:,let,e,当“e”和其他元音字母“a”、“i”、“o”、“u”在一起,并在单词结尾时不发音;没有其他元音字母,并在单词结尾时发音/i:/;单独出现在单词中间时发/e/,We like the cat! Its cute. Its cute. Hes got a cake and a cup of milk. A rose on the cake! Its red. Its red. Cut the cake. Give me the cake. He likes cake. We like it, too!,Lets chant.,Read the chant again and pay attention the red words.,Listen and circle the words.,she,me,met,bed,take,gate,bad,fat,bike,five,big,fit,cube,huge,cup,bus,note,pose,lot,job,sharp eyes,be,gate,bed,bike,we,leg,met,note,she,silent “e”,/e/,/i:/,Find their home,face,let,me,cute,he,leg,he,she,me,let,met,red,bed,take,make,gate,late,bad,dad,cat,fat,bike,like,five,fine,pig,big,fit,milk,cute,cube,tube,huge,cup,cut,but,bus,note,Coke,rose,pose,not,hot,lot,job,Can you write more words?,一、选出与所给单词划线部分发音一致的单词。,( ) 1. KateA. badB. catC. cake ( ) 2. TimA. hiB. pigC. rice ( ) 3. JonesA. noB. hotC. box ( ) 4. useA. busB. cutC. cute ( ) 5. meA. heB. redC. leg,A,C,A,B,C,二、读一读,写一写。,1. meweh_sh_ 2. hadbadc _ th _ t 3. Mikeliker _ cef _ ve 4. noseJonesn _ teC _ ke 5. cute tube_sec _ be,e,e,a,a,i,i,o,o,u,u,七彩课堂 伴你成长,五个元音字母a, e, i, o, u的发音,Lets say the chant together.,七彩课堂 伴你成长,ONE,TWO,Say the chant with your friends.,Write the words we have learned today.,Find more words in each group, then write them down.,
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