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,人教PEP版英语五年级上册,Unit 4 What can you do?,Read and writeStory time,Part B & Part C,21教育网,I point you say and do.,cook,speak English,draw cartoons,do some kung fu,swim,play basketball,dance,play the pipa,sing English songs,play football,No, I cant.,I can . I cant . Can you . Yes, I can.,What is Robin doing?,A. He is playing computer games. B. He is writing an email.,Who can be my friend? Do you want a new friend? Try me! I am Robin the Robot! I am friendly and funny. I can speak English and Chinese. I can do some kung fu. I can play ping-pong, but I cant swim. What can you do? Please send me an email at . Robin,email,Please send me an email at ,v. 发送,How many ways can you make friends(交朋友)?,email,phone,letter,take part in activities,Step 1: Skimming reading,Run your eyes over the text. Underlinethe things Robin can do and circle thethings Robin cannot do in the text. (快速阅读文章,在文中用直线划出Robin能做的事情,用圆圈圈出Robin不会做的事情。),Who can be my friend? Do you want a new friend? Try me! I am Robin the Robot! I am friendly and funny. I can speak English and Chinese. I can do some kung fu. I can play ping-pong, but I cant swim. What can you do? Please send me an email at . Robin,_,_,_,_,can,cant,Step 2: Intensive reading,Fill in the circles.,speak English and Chinese,do some kung fu,play ping-pong,swim,What can Robin do? Tick or cross. 1. ( ) He can speak English. 2. ( ) He can play basketball. 3. ( ) He cant play ping-pong. 4. ( ) He can swim. 5. ( ) He can do some kung fu.,Listen to the tape and follow the tape.,Who can be my friend? Do you want a new friend? Try me! I am Robin the Robot! I am friendly and funny. I can speak English and Chinese. I can do some kung fu. I can play ping-pong, but I cant swim. What can you do? Please send me an email at . Robin,Do you want to be Robins friend? Write three sentences about yourself.,1. I can _. 2. I cant _. 3. _.,play basketball,play the erhu,I can play the pipa, but I cant play ping-pong,Robin can,/cant,speak English and Chinese,do some kung fu,play ping-pong,can,/cant,I,play basketball,play the erhu,play the pipa,play ping-pong,填空并找规律。,play + 运动,play + the +乐器,ping-pong,the erhu,basketball,the piano,no “the”,with “the”,Can you play the _?,Can you play _?,pipa,football,Can Zhang Peng play basketball?,I dont know. Lets go and see.,John,Zhang Peng,play basketball,play ping-pong,Fill in the blank.,Zhang Peng and John can _ together.,play ping-pong,Listen and tick or cross.,John: I can . Can you, Zhang Peng? Zhang Peng: . John: What can you do? Zhang Peng: . Can you? John: . . Zhang Peng: Great!,Listen again and read.,play basketball,No, I cant,I can play ping-pong,Yes, of course,Lets play ping-pong together,What can the snake do?,What is it?,Its a snake.,What can the rat do?,What is it?,Its a rat.,When the rat meet the snake 当老鼠遇上蛇,What happened? 发生了什么?,Watch the video and answer the questions.,2. How is the rat finally?,1. What can the rat do?,The snake throw the rat into the lake, then the rat swim away. (The rat is clever!),It can sing, dance and swim.,【详解】这是一个倒装句, 意思是“来了”。,Here comes some tasty food .,句型结构:Here come/comes+名词.,e.g. Here comes the bus. Here come the girls.,注意:当主语是代词时,主谓不倒装,即“Here+代词+谓语.”,e.g. Here you are. Here it is.,Here comes some tasty food.,I can do things for you.,The rat can sing.,The rat can dance.,The snake threw the rat to the lake.,The rat can swim!,Try to retell the story in English.,Watch again and retell the story roughly(大概).,What happened when the rat meet the snake?(结合中文说一说),The snake catches the rat and wants to eat it. The rat uses its wisdom to escape from danger. 蛇抓住了老鼠想要吃掉它。老鼠运用它的 机智逃脱了危险。,用智慧解决问题,在生活中,每个人每天都会遇到大小不同的问题,而这些问题又都要我们去解决。特别是有时候会遇到一些突发性的危险,这个时候我们千万不要慌张,自乱阵脚,一定要冷静,动用自己的智慧,巧妙机智的解决问题。,双簧表演。,四人一组,两个学生做动作,另外两个学生配音。,1. He can ( playplays ) with us. 2. Can you ( playplay the ) erhu? 3. He likes to ( playplay the) football. 4. We should (playplay the) sports every day. 5. Lets ( playplays ) in the snow.,一、用 “/” 划掉不正确的一项。,( ) 1. Can you swim? Yes, I _. A. do B. can C. cant ( ) 2. I can play _ ping-pong. A. a B. the C. / ( ) 3. Tom cant play _ piano. A. a B. the C. /,二、单项选择。,B,C,B,七彩课堂 伴你成长,1. 学习了play与文体活动名称搭配的用法。 2.学习了下列句型: Here comes some tasty food.,七彩课堂 伴你成长,将学到的故事复述给家人听。,one,two,仿照Robin的email,写一封交朋友的信吧!,
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