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,Lets checkStory time,Unit 2 Ways to go to school,人教PEP版英语六年级上册,Part B & Part C,S: I come to school on foot/by bike ,T: How do you come to school?,Ask and answer.,Sing a song: How do you get there?,Now lets look at some pictures.,1,2,3,4,Listen and number.,Listen again and answer the questions.,1. How does Wu Yifan go to the park? He goes by . 2. How does the girls father go to work? He goes by . 3. How does Amy go home? She goes . 4. What will the woman do? She will and .,bus,train,on foot,stop,wait,听力原文:,Come or go? Where is Mike? Tick or cross.,Go to the cinema,At the cinema,Not at the cinema,Come to the park and play with us,In the park,Not in the park,How does Mrs Zhao come to school?,At school,Not at school,How can I go to the museum?,At the museum,Not at the museum,用come和用go时,说话者地点的变化。,come,A: How does Bob come to school? At school. B: He usually comes on foot. Not at school.,come意思是“来”,说明说话者已经在学校。,go,A: How do you go to the park? In the park. B: I usually go by car. Not in the park.,go意思是“去”,说明说话者不在公园。,Amys friend Annie comes to China. watch the video and answer the question.,Where is Annie from?,Where are they?,She is from UK.,They are in China.,Read the story and answer the questions.,1. How do they go home?,2. Which side do the drivers drive in China?,3. What about the drivers in the UK?,Take a bus.,On the right side.,On the left side.,Fill in the blanks.,In China, drivers drive on the _ side of the road.,In the UK, drivers drive on the _ side of the road.,In China, people must look _ first, then look _ before crossing the road.,In the UK, people must look _ before crossing the road.,right,left,left,right,right,Watch the video.,Read and act the story!,1. Amy: Its so good to see you, Annie! Annie: You too, Amy. I missed you.,2. Annie: Wow, Chinese food is so different from British food. Amy: Yes. Can you use chopsticks? Annie: No, I cant.,3. Amy: Lets take a bus home. We must cross the road. In the UK you drive on the left side. In China, people drive on the right side.,4. Annie: I see. We must look right before crossing the road. Amy: No, first left and then right!,5. Amy: Look, the bus is over there! Annie: Wow, its a double-decker! The same as in London.,6. Annie: Where is the door? Amy, there is no door on the bus! Amy: Haha, youre looking at the wrong side again!,1.去上学 _ 2.take a bus _ 3.减速 _ 4.乘轮船 _ 5.pay attention to _,一、英汉互译。,go to school,乘公交车,slow down,by ship,注意,( )1. How _ Amy go to the park? On foot. A. do B. does C. is ( )2. In China, drivers drive on the _ side of the road. A. left B. right C. front ( )3. _ at a green light. A. Stop B. Go C. Slow ( )4. The girls father _ by car. A. goes B. go C. going,B,B,B,二、单项选择。,A,三、选择合适的句子补全对话。,Lisa: Hi, Bob. How can I get to the Huaxing Hospital? Bob: 1. _ Lisa: Thanks. Wow! So many pictures of bikes. Bob: 2. _ Lisa: Whats this? Bob: A helmet. 3. _,A,B,C,1. 学习了come和go的用法。 2. 了解中英两国交通规则的不同。,七彩课堂 伴你成长,收集其他国家的交通规则,用英语表达给自己的同伴听。,one,two,仿写come和go的句子,判断说话者的地点。 完成同步练习。,
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