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What time is it now?,Unit 4 Topic 3,Guessing Game,Guess what animal it is!,Its a clever animal. It lives in the trees and likes bananas.,monkey,It is very big and strong. It has two big ears and a long nose.,elephant,It looks fat and cute. It lives in Sichuan, China. It eats bamboo.,panda,It is cute and clever. It lives with us and often helps people. It is our friend.,dog,Its a clever animal. Its cute. It has two long ears.,rabbit,Its the king(王) of the forest. Its very strong. Its like a big cat.,tiger,Its long. It has no feet.,snake,Its tall. Its neck is long.,giraffe,It has a bag in its body. It lives in Australia.,kangaroo,Its scared(恐怖). It eats meat. Its also a film star.,lion,It has a big face, but it has no eyes or ears. It has no legs, but it has three handstwo long hands and a short one. It has no mouth, but it can say “tick, tick, tick”.,clock,Puzzle,e.g. 1:05,e.g. 6: 55,e.g. 1:15 ; 6:45; ,3. 半点之后用to,4. 一刻钟用 quarter,2. 半小时用 half past,1. 半点之前的介词用past,e.g. 1:30,Sum up,60-55 to 6+1,Its five past one.,Its half past one.,Its five to seven.,2:00 10:00,How to express the time?,8:05,eight o five,/ five past eight,two oclock,ten oclock,6:30 9:30,six thirty / half past six,nine thirty / half past nine,5:20 7:10,five twenty,/ twenty past five,seven ten,/ ten past seven,How to express the time?,7:15,/ a quarter past seven,10:45,10:40 11:35,7:45,seven fifteen,/ a quarter to eight,seven forty-five,/ a quarter to eleven,ten forty-five,/ twenty to eleven,ten forty,/ twenty-five to twelve,eleven thirty-five,What time is it, please? Its one oclock.,Whats the time, please? Its three oclock.,What time is it, please? / Whats the time, please?,It is twelve oclock.,What time is it, please? Its five past one. (Its one o five.),What time is it, please? / Whats the time, please?,Its nine past eight. (Its eight o nine.),8:09,Its a quarter past seven. (It is seven fifteen.),What time is it, please? / Whats the time, please?,a quarter 十五分钟,What time is it, please? / Whats the time, please? Its half past four. (Its four thirty.),half 一半,What time is it, please? Its twenty to two. (Its one forty.),What time is it, please? / Whats the time, please? Its eight to eleven. (Its ten fifty-two.),10:52,What time is it, please? / Whats the time, please? Its a quarter to six. (Its five forty-five.),常用的时刻表达法有两种:,1. 直接表述 1:15 one fifteen 2. 借助past和to表述 当分钟数小于或等于三十分钟时,用past。 如:10:10 ten past ten 当分钟数超过三十分钟时,用 to。 如:1:55 five to two,Its ten oclock now. Lets go to the zoo. We can see the zoo shows.,Oh, very nice.,zoo,lion,panda,monkey,elephant,tiger,Look at the poster of the Zoo Shows. Then ask and answer questions with your partner.,Example: A: What can we see at 10 oclock in the morning? B: We can see the Monkey Show.,Listen, look and say.,(视频P97-1a),Kangkang: Do you have time tomorrow? Michael: Yes. Whats up? Kangkang: We want to go to the zoo. Would you like to go with us? Michael: Good idea! Can we see pandas there? Kangkang: Yes. We can see monkeys, lions, tigers and elephants, too. Michael: Great! Kangkang: Lets meet at 9 oclock in my home. Michael: OK. Kangkang: See you then. Michael: See you.,1a: Look, listen and say,1. Where do they want to go? 2. When will they go to the zoo? 3. When will they meet? 4. What can they see in the zoo? 5. Where will they meet?,Listen and answer.,The zoo.,At 9 oclock.,Monkeys, lions, tigers, pandas and elephants.,At Kangkangs home.,Tomorrow.,Kangkang and Michael have _ tomorrow. They want to go to the _. They can see _, _, _, _ and _. They will meet at _ oclock at _ .,time,zoo,monkeys,lions,elephants,nine,Retell 1a:,pandas,Kangkangs home,tigers,Listen and number the pictures.,( 3 ),( 4 ),( 1 ),( 2 ),(录音P97-2-A),Listen and write down the time of animal shows.,nine o five,_,_,_,(录音P97-2-B),ten oclock,eleven fifteen,twelve thirty,Summary,Words: panda, monkey, lion, elephant, tiger, oclock, past, to, a quarter Sentences: What time is it, please?/ Whats the time, please? Its .,同步 Section A,Homework,Exercise,Translation 1. 你明天有空吗? 2. -你想要和我们去公园吗?-好主意。 3.让我们九点十五分在你家见面吧。 4. -请问几点钟了?-两点四十分。,1. It rains cats and dogs.,2. Love me, love my dog.,3. Barking dogs seldom bite.,4. A cat has nine lives.,5. Kill two birds with one stone.,6. Dont use an elephant to crack a nut.,7. Go to the sea, if you would fish well.,不入虎穴,焉得虎子。,倾盆大雨。,爱屋及乌。,吠犬不咬人。,吉人自有天相。,一石二鸟。 / 一举两得。,核桃不用大象踩。/ 杀鸡焉用牛刀。,Proverbs,Good-bye !,感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!,
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