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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级下册期末复习完形填空与阅读理解一、完形填空。1.完形填空 Do you like dolphins(海豚)? Dolphins live_1_water,but they are not fish. They are mammals (哺乳动物) thatlive in water. It has to(不得不) breathe(呼吸) air to the top of the water very often. A dolphins nose isnt_2_to see. Its just a very small hole_3_topof the dolphins head. This hole is called a blowhole. A dolphin_4_upevery minute or so to breathe. It opens blowhole and takes air in, and thengoes back into the water again. It can stay _5_the water for six or seven minutes if it hasto. A dolphins ears are very small,_6_itsmouth is very_7_. Ithas almost one hundred teeth. A dolphin_8_veryfast. Scientists are studying ways to _9_boat go faster through the_10_.(1)A . inB . onC . aboveD . under(2)A . easyB . difficultC . goodD . fast(3)A . onB . on theC . atD . above(4)A . goesB . comesC . walksD . run(5)A . atB . upC . onD . under(6)A . ifB . orC . butD . so(7)A . smallB . bigC . goodD . nice(8)A . goesB . swimsC . runsD . walks(9)A . makeB . askC . tellD . talk to(10)A . airB . roomC . landD . water2.完形填空 It rained for four days, Mike couldnt goout and_1_withhis friends. His parents went to work and had to_2_theboy at home. They bought some_3_forhim. But he didnt like to read them. He stood by the_4_and looked outside. The rain_5_this morning and Mike was happy. But itwas wet outside. His parents didnt _6_himgo out and play there. They _7_theboy to read a book. But when they left, he began to play behind the house._8_hisparents came back for lunch. His mother found the boy was very dirty. Oh. Dear! called out the woman. Lookat your_9_! How dirty they are! When did you see Iwas so dirty _10_you? But I didnt see you when you wereyoung, mum, said the boy.(1)A . studyB . talkC . playD . work(2)A . leaveB . teachC . seeD . hear(3)A . pencilsB . paperC . fruitD . picture-books(4)A . wallB . windowC . blackboardD . picture(5)A . stoppedB . startedC . wantedD . got(6)A . hopeB . rememberC . forgetD . let(7)A . askedB . saidC . madeD . found(8)A . At nightB . At sixC . At noonD . In the evening(9)A . faceB . eyesC . earsD . clothes(10)A . forB . likeC . atD . on3.完形填空 Do you want to stay healthy? Let me tell you_1_have a healthy diet (饮食).In the morning, you can eat some bread, cakes and eggs. You should drink a glass of milk. Its very important for you because it can _2_you much energy(能量). It _3_good for you to go to school or work without(没有) breakfast. You must feel very_4_at lunchtime. So you have something good_5_lunch. You can have some fish or chicken. _6_, such as carrots and tomatoes, and also very important because they can keep you healthy. In the evening, you must be tired. You should eat things_7_noodles or others with some vegetables. But remember _8_eat too much because you cant do much exercise in the evening. Before going to bed, you can have a glass of milk. It can_9_you sleep well. At last,you should eat more _10_. Heres a proverb(谚语): An apple a day keeps the doctor away.(1)A . howB . how toC . whatD . what to(2)A . getB . spendC . giveD . take(3)A . doesB . doesntC . inD . isnt(4)A . happyB . sadC . hungryD . busy(5)A . toB . forC . ofD . with(6)A . VegetablesB . MeatC . FruitD . Snacks(7)A . are likeB . likeC . look likeD . likes(8)A . dontB . toC . not toD . 不填(9)A . turnB . startC . improveD . help(10)A . applesB . orangesC . bananasD . pears4.完形填空 Thank you for_1_CCTV5 Around the World program.Right now, were in Paris. Its a _2_day.There are many people here_3_vacation.Everyone is_4_goodtime. Some are taking photos_5_the Eiffel Tower,_6_are walking near the Eiffel Tower. Amusician is_7_andsome boys are _8_.Helooks_9_.I like this_10_.(1)A . joiningB . joinsC . to joinD . join(2)A . rainB . sunnyC . sunD . rainy(3)A . inB . atC . onD . of(4)A . haveB . hasC . havingD . to have(5)A . ofB . aboutC . onD . to(6)A . The otherB . OtherC . OthersD . Another(7)A . doingB . singingC . cookingD . taking(8)A . lookB . looking atC . looksD . listening(9)A . coldB . coolC . tallD . short(10)A . towerB . cityC . photoD . girl二、阅读理解。5.阅读理解 We have different kinds of rules in ourclassroom. As a student we must follow them. Students can not bring f
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