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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册阶段卷(Units 57)一、单项选择。1.Tom thinks volleyball is _easy sport. He can play _volleyball very well.A . a; aB . an; aC . an; /D . a; /2.Do you need rulers? We have rulers _ only 2 yuan.A . withB . forC . inD . about3.Tina doesnt like volleyball. Its _ for her.A . relaxingB . funC . interestingD . difficult4.Do you like soccer? Yes, I do. But I dont play it. I_ watch it on TV.A . reallyB . onlyC . wellD . too5._having some bananas? Great.A . How isB . How aboutC . What isD . What color6.Mary, your yellow hat _very nice.A . seesB . looksC . meetsD . watches7._is the price of your baseball bat? 20 yuan.A . WhereB . HowC . WhoD . What8.The jacket is too big for my son. Do you have a _one?A . longB . fineC . goodD . small9.Are _your classmates, Jenny? No. I dont know _.A . they; theyB . them; themC . them; theyD . they; them10.Jack, I _that ping pong bat. Can you help me get it?A . watchB . knowC . meetD . need11.One dollar for four eggs. How much are twenty eggs? _dollars.A . FiveB . EightC . TenD . Twenty12.My grandmother has good _ habits. She likes to _fruit and vegetables.A . eat; eatingB . eating; eatingC . eating; eatD . eat; eat13.Can you help me find my dog? _.A . Youre welcomeB . Thank youC . SureD . That sounds interesting14.How about potatoes for dinner? _. I like them.A . Here it isB . Sounds goodC . I have oneD . Not so good15._ Yes, please. I cant find my dog.A . Can I help you?B . How are you?C . Good morning.D . Nice to meet you.二、完形填空。16.完形填空 My name is Mandy. Imin Huawen Middle School. Im in Class Four. 25 boys and girls are in my class. Theyare nice to me. Im happy (高兴的) to be_1_classmate. I like sports. I canplay ping-pong_2_. Its an easy and relaxing sport forme. I always play ping-pong with my classmates_3_school.And I like to watch ping pong games on TV. My favorite ping-pong_4_isChen Meng. She is a great ping-pong player in China. I can play tennis andbasketball, too. I_5_doing sports is a good habit. I_6_fruitand vegetables. They are healthy food. For breakfast, 1 like to have some breadand milk. I_7_my lunch at school. In the afternoon, Iusually have a fruit salad. My favorite fruit is the_8_.I eat an apple every day._9_my dinner? I like to have a vegetablesalad. I dont like ice cream. I dont want to be a_10_girl.After dinner, I like to watch TV with my parents.(1)A . theirB . herC . hisD . our(2)A . thenB . sureC . wellD . always(3)A . underB . onC . ofD . after(4)A . starB . classmateC . friendD . girl(5)A . wantB . thinkC . getD . see(6)A . findB . askC . watchD . love(7)A . eatB . knowC . comeD . call(8)A . bananaB . strawberryC . appleD . pear(9)A . How aboutB . What colorC . Where isD . Who is(10)A . healthyB . fatC . lateD . right三、阅读理解。17.阅读理解。 Ann I like playing tennis, baseball and volleyball, but I dont like playing soccer. I think its difficult. I dont think its easy for girls to play soccer. Gina I have a baseball, but I dont play it. I think its boring. I like to eat vegetables and fruit. They are healthy. Bill I have three basketballs. I always play basketball with my classmates after school. I think its interesting. And I am healthy. John I like sports. I play ping-pong well. I think it is fun. I always help my classmates with ping-pong.(1)What sport doesnt Ann like?A . Volleyball.B . Baseball.C . Tennis.D . Soccer.(2)What does Gina like eating?A . Vegetables and fruit.B . Ice-cream.C . SaladD . Chicken.(3)What does Bill always do after school?A . He always plays volleyball.B . He always plays basketball.C . He always plays baseball.D . He always plays ping-pong.(4)画线单词it指代_。A . playing basketballB . playing volleyballC . playing ping pongD . playing soccer(5)下列哪项陈述是正确的?A . Ann thinks playing tennis is difficult.B . Gina doesnt have a baseball.C . Bill has five basketballs.D . John always helps his classmates with ping-pong,18.阅读理解。 Dear friend, My name is Li Ying. And my English name is Sophia. Im 13. Im from Lanzhou, but now Im in Xi an. I am a student in a middle school here. And I am in Class Five. I like apples, oranges, strawberries and bananas. For sports, I like playing ping pong best. Its really interesting for me. I can play tennis, too. What fruit do you like? What sports do you play? Yours, Li YingDear Li Ying, Im happy to be your friend. My name is Peter. My Chinese name is Leile
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