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(道路)桥梁方向常见单词、短语allowable stress 允许应力; air photography 航测照片;arch culvert 拱涵; beam-type bridge 梁式桥;bearing plate 支座垫板; bed block 墩(台)帽;bending moment 弯矩; box girder 箱形梁;bridge location 桥位,桥址;clear opening 净空; column-like pier 柱式墩;compressive strength 抗压强度; critical load 临界荷载;cross beam 横梁; dead load 恒载;easement curve 缓和曲线; elevated roadway 高架路;expansion joint 伸缩缝,胀缝; fatigue failure 疲劳破坏;feasibility study 可行性研究; final location 最终定线;flat country 平原地区; grip length 握裹长度;guard rail 护栏; highway geometry 道路几何形状;highly statically indeterminate 高次超静定的;internal force 内力;influence line 影响线; light rail 轻轨;median barrier 中央分隔带栅栏; net tensile stress 净拉应力;navigational clearance 通航净空; open excavation 明挖;pile cap 承台; plan curvature 平曲线;plane of shear stress 剪应力面; positive moment 正弯矩;preliminary location 初步定线; prestressed concrete 预应力混凝土;pretensioning method 先张法; profile grade 纵坡度;protective coating 保护层; rate of flow 流量,流速;reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土; restraining pier 约束墩;rise-span ratio 矢跨比; rotary intersection 环形交叉;safety factor 安全系数; simple-span 简支跨;skew crossing 斜交; soil pressure 土压力;solid slab 实心板; spandrel filled arch 实腹拱;spread footing 扩大基础; stiffening girder 加劲梁;storm drain 排水沟; strength design 强度设计;stress intensity 应力强度; supporting capacity 承载能力;suspended bridge 悬索桥; thin-web beam 薄腹梁;tied arch 系杆拱; traffic flow 交通流量;topographic map 地形图; trough-shaped vertical alignment 凹形竖曲线;upper chord 上弦杆; vertical clearance 竖向净空;wind tunnel test 风洞试验; wing wall 翼(侧)墙;yield strength 屈服强度; truss 桁架;visibility 能见度,视野; reconnaissance 踏勘,勘察;runoff 超高缓和段; subgrade 路基,地基;parabolic 抛物线的; flyover 立体交叉,跨线桥;inertia 惯性,惯量; expressway 快速道路;appurtenance 附属设施; hilly terrain 丘陵地带;hollow grider bridge 空心梁桥; leveling layer 整平层;parking lot 停车区; radial road 放射式道路;partial prestressing 部分预应力; random sample 随机抽样;preliminary location 初步定线; Portland cement concrete 普 通 水 泥 砼 ;optimum route 最佳路线; open-graded 开级配的;operating speed 运行速度; waste deposit 弃土堆;wind bracing 风撑; stress response 应力响应;rigid pavement 刚性路面; rigid frame 刚架;right of way 通行权,道路用地; riding quality 行车质量;segmental construction 分段施工; steam curing 蒸汽养护;ventilating system 通风系统; turning movement 转弯交通;diaphragm 横隔板arch bridge 拱桥cable-stayed bridge 斜拉桥suspension bridge 悬索桥,吊桥
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