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浙江省湖州市环渚学校2012届九年级上学期第二次联合调测英语考试试卷一、单项选择。1. (2017九上湖州竞赛)The boy likes music he can dance _.A . withB . fromC . toD . on2. (2017九上湖州竞赛)In the exhibition, all of us felt _ to see so many _ things.A . surprised; amazedB . surprising; amazingC . surprising; amazedD . surprised; amazing3. (2017九上湖州竞赛)_ used to _ a post office near my house.A . There; beB . There; haveC . It; beD . There; having4. (2017九上湖州竞赛)Beijing is one of the _ in the world today.A . busiest cityB . busiest citiesC . busy cityD . busy cities5. (2017九上湖州竞赛)Ill _ advertisements after school so that we can tell people about the park clean-up.A . put onB . hand inC . put offD . hand out6. (2017九上湖州竞赛)The red bike _ be Hus. She has a blue bike.A . mustB . mightC . canD . cant7. (2017九上湖州竞赛)Would you like to go _?A . anywhere relaxingB . relaxing somewhereC . somewhere relaxingD . somewhere relaxed8. (2017九上湖州竞赛)Why not consider _ Kunming for your next vacation?A . visitingB . to visitC . visitedD . visitor9. (2017九上湖州竞赛)My new friend is a _ boy.A . fifteen-year oldB . fifteen-years-oldC . fifteen years oldD . fifteen-year-old10. (2017九上湖州竞赛) What a beautiful coat youre having! _.A . No, thanksB . Thank youC . Yes, it isD . Sorry, it isnt二、完形填空。11. (2017九上湖州竞赛)通读全文,根据短文理解,选择正确答案填空。 Once, in a small village, lived a family with eight children. Two of the children loved _1_very much, but the family was so poor that it was impossible to send _2_of them to study at the art college at the same time. After many discussions, the two boys finally _3_a plan. They would toss(抛) a coin. The loser would go _4_into the mines (煤矿) and, with his earnings(赚得的钱), _5_his brother studying at the college. Then, when the brother who won the toss finished his studies, after four years, he would support the other brother studying at the _6_. James won the toss and Jack went down into the mines. James worked with all his heart and his paintings were much _7_than those of most of his teachers, and by the time he _8_, he was beginning to make a lot of money for his paintings. _9_James returned, the family held a big dinner for his great success. Soon after the meal began, James _10_up from his seat to drink a toast (举杯祝酒) to his dear _11_He said, Jack, now you can go to the art college and your _12_will come true. I will take care of you. But Jack said _13_, Brother, the four years in the mines has done too much to my hands, so its too _14_Now I can t even hold a glass. To show his great love and respect, James drew his brother s hands with _15_towards the sky. He called his drawing The Praying Hands, which became very famous years later. (1)A . paintingB . booksC . schoolD . money(2)A . anyB . allC . bothD . neither(3)A . looked outB . worked outC . took outD . got out(4)A . offB . awayC . upD . down(5)A . supportB . agreeC . followD . let(6)A . homeB . mineC . collegeD . school(7)A . betterB . worseC . cheaperD . older(8)A . arrivedB . graduatedC . walkedD . waited(9)A . BeforeB . WhenC . ThoughD . While(10)A . pickedB . turnedC . lookedD . stood(11)A . brotherB . sisterC . fatherD . mother(12)A . wayB . ideaC . dreamD . practice(13)A . happilyB . surprisedlyC . angrilyD . softly(14)A . earlyB . lateC . goodD . helpful(15)A . legsB . feetC . armsD . fingers三、阅读理解。12. (2017九上湖州竞赛)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。1Dear guest, We want to do our best to help with the environmental protection, but we do provide washing things (toothbrush, toothpaste, bath shampoo, etc.) If you forget to bring any of these with you, just dial 9 and call the guestroom department. If you wish, we shall send you what you need for free.2Dear guest, The hotel wishes to save the worlds natural resources(资源). Every day, tons of detergent(洗涤剂) and millions of tons of water are used to wash towels(毛巾) which have been used only once. Heres how you can help: A towel on the rack(架子)means: Ill use it again. A towel on the floor means: Please change.3Dear guest, Your bedclothes are changed every day. If youd like to help save the worlds resources, just leave this card in the morning. Your bed will be made up as usual but the sheets will not be changed. In this way, we can both help protect our environment.(1)A guest who forgets to bring a toothbrush with him _.A . must buy one from the hotelB . should get one ready by himselfC . can get one from the hotel for freeD . may ask someone to buy one for h
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